UVM Department of Student Life Activities Fest

Interested in getting involved on campus? Join over 4,000 students and learn more about the clubs, organizations, and departments that make up our UVM community at our bi-annual club fair.

This free event gives you the opportunity to chat with all the different clubs, organizations, and UVM departments to learn more about what they do, when they meet, and how you can be a part of the fun. Learn more about all of UVM's offerings and kick-off your year by exploring your interests - and finding your people in the process.


Week of Welcome ActivitiesFest:
As part of  Week of Welcome, ActivitiesFest will take place in the Davis Center on Tuesday, September 3 to Thursday, September 5 from 11 AM – 2 PM.  Each day features different club themes:

Tuesday, September 3: Arts & Performance, Recreation & Leisure, and Clubs Sports

Wednesday, September 4: Academic & Career, and Diversity, Cultural & Religious

Thursday, September 5: Environmental, Media, Outdoor, Political, Service, and Wellness


Prior to attending, feel free to check out all the organization’s UVM has to offer by visiting UVM Clubs, where you can find a listing and contact information for all the groups.

Want to table at ActivitiesFest? All SGA recognized clubs and organizations are eligible to participate, unless otherwise communicated. Registration details and deadlines will be sent to club signers via email. For questions or more information, contact the Student Government Association.

Interested in submitting a program to the Winter Week of Welcome calendar of events? Submit your organization’s event or advertise your first general body meeting by submitting it to UVM BORED so we can better connect incoming students to their involvement opportunities.

Check boxes being checked off

UVM Involvement Survey

Incoming UVM Students are asked to fill out a Club & Org Interest Survey over the summer at Orientation.  This survey helps us identify the clubs and organizations they are interested in - so we can connect new students to those organizations prior to ActivitiesFest.

Learn more about the Club & Org Interest Survey →