• L - R, Front to Back: Patricia Prelock, Provost and Senior Vice President, Corinne Cooper (Representative), Jennifer Jorgenson (representative) Sarah Heath (appointed) Monika Donlevy, President, Jennifer Main, Vice President, Eileen Kristiansen (member) Suresh Garimella, UVM President, Andrew Horvat (member) Nichole Hathaway (representative) Cindy Lee (representative) Liv Townsend (representative) Perri Schodorf (representative) Katherine McGinn Hall (representative) Melissa Baker (representative)  Darcy Pientka (guest) Marc Price (representative) Adma Boothe (representative) Karyn McGovern (representative) Kristin Allard (member) Lucie Pecor (representative) Samantha Dickey (member) Diann Varricchione (member) Karen Lemire (member) Whitney Feininger (member) Bob Bolyard (representative) Susan Sobczak (representative) Dee Dion (member) Amanda Broder (representative) Chalsea Lynn Chu (representative) Mindy Bean (appointed) Richard Cohen (representative) Janet Green (representative) Chris Lehman, CHRO, Richard Cate, CFO, Caitlyn Sisler (guest) Alan Shashok, Staff Council Administrator
    Not pictured: Skye Ellicock (representative) Rilly Rison (representatvie) Amy Vile (member) Liz Crawford (representative) Meredith Grasso (representative) Jennifer Payne (representative) Sawyer Zundel (representative) Maureen Jennings (representative) Christine Cardillo (member) John Lovelette (representative) Jon Reisenweaver (representative)

  •  "The work Staff Council did 15 years ago, or 30 years ago, or 50 years ago, has kept UVM alive as an important resource in our state and for our Vermont and regional students. I


    Read more stories from past and present Staff Council affiliates.

  • "Joining Staff Council was a perfect way for me to get out of my cubicle and interact with a diverse set of people across campus whom I would otherwise never have met. My SC colleagues are among the most passionate and engaged people I have worked with in 35+ years of my professional career." - Alan Shashok, past Staff Council Committee Member & Representative, and current Administrator


    Read more stories from past and present Staff Council affiliates.

  • "The amount of work that was accomplished by our committee was a testament to the commitment of those who served by my side. I was honored to be a part of critical decisions that helped so many of my colleagues." - Libby Dunbar, Representative & Chair of the Financial Affairs Committee, 1993-94


    Read more stories from past and present Staff Council affiliates.

  • "One of the most memorable moments from my time on Staff Council was the snow day ice cream social during EDU@UVM a few years ago. It was headed by Margie and Lacie, co-chairs of the PPD committee. The day of the social ended up being a huge snow storm. However, attendance was still awesome and it was great scooping ice cream and getting to chat with all of the people who ventured into the Davis Center that day." - Michael O


    Read more stories from past and present Staff Council affiliates.

  • "There are so many experiences from my time with Staff Council and at UVM that I carry with me every day. The lesson I learned over and over again was how a group of people with a common goal could come together to make a significant positive impact on a small or large scale. Here


    Read more stories from past and present Staff Council affiliates.

  • "As I prepare to leave UVM and I look back on my time in Staff Council, one thing rises above all else: staff


    Read more stories from past and present Staff Council affiliates.

Next Meeting:

The next Staff Council monthly meeting will be in-person in the Chittenden Bank Room - Davis and via Teams, on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 from 12:05-1:30. All are welcome. 

October 25, 2024: Report to the Board of Trustees

Staff Council President Monika Donlevy submitted this report to the Board of Trustees Committee of the Whole:

Staff Council was established in 1971 in order to give staff* a voice in the decision-making processes of the university. The Council listens and responds to the ideas and opinions of staff, and conveys them to the administration. It also works collaboratively with leadership, departments, and organizations to find solutions to issues and concerns that impact both staff and the larger UVM Community.

Staff Council also facilitates programs which benefit staff, including social events, local discounts, the Staff Emergency Loan Fund, the Community Service Award, the Professional Development Fund, and more. 

* Although the Staff Council serves as the voice and advocate for all staff, it does not have the same function as Collective Bargaining Units to which some members of the UVM staff belong. Those staff who belong to UE Local 267 are not permitted to participate in Staff Council at the request of their union.

Mission Statement

The UVM Staff Council serves as an advocate for staff by seeking out and responding to their ideas and concerns, representing them to the University administration, and keeping staff informed of University initiatives. Staff Council works to create a cohesive community, have a positive impact on staff culture, and promote the betterment of all.

This mission statement was adopted on March 2, 2010 and speaks to the larger role of the Council beyond its charge as outlined in the organization's Bylaws.