
Tracking Lake Trout

Published 2022
This rack card describes Lake Champlain Sea Grant-funded research at the University of Vermont to track tagged lake trout in Lake Champlain to help guide trout restoration. An email is provided for anglers to contact if they find tagged fish.

Understanding Cyanobacteria

Published 2022
This rack card produced by BLUE BTV describes what cyanobacteria are, how they impact our waterways, and how cities, like Burlington, Vermont, and individuals can take actions to help keep waterways clean and safe.

An Analysis of Resilience Planning at the Nexus of Food, Energy, Water, and Transportation in Coastal US Cities

Published 2021
In this peer-reviewed article by Kris Stepenuck and others, resilience plans of coastal US cities were analyzed based on the Food, Energy, Water, and Transportation (FEWT) nexus approach. The FEWT nexus approach recognizes the interconnectedness of these systems and the importance of using an integrated model in coastal resilience planning to mitigate hazards. They found little evidence the FEWT nexus approach was explicitly used in any of these resilience plans and they found inconsistencies amongst the resilience plans themselves.

Analysis of Reach-scale Sediment Process Domains in Glacially-Conditioned Catchments Using Self-Organizing Maps

Published 2021
This Lake Champlain Sea Grant-funded research classified reach-scale sediment process domains using a Self-Organizing Map (SOM), identified 15 variables that explained 7 classes for 193 reaches in the Northeast US, and improved previous classifications by including degree of floodplain disconnection. SOM visualization tools provided insight into channel evolution processes and sediment regime classification framework supports adaptive river management.

Balancing Hydraulic Control and Phosphorus Removal in Bioretention Media Amended with Drinking Water Treatment Residuals

Published 2021
This scientific journal article by researcher Michael Ament and others describes their investigation of the potential trade-off between phosphorus removal by drinking water treatment residuals and hydraulic conductivity to inform the design of bioretention media. The researchers recommend drinking water treatment residuals be mixed with sand in bioretention media to achieve stormwater drainage and phosphorus reduction. This research was funded by Lake Champlain Sea Grant.

Exploring the food–energy–water nexus approach to enhance coastal community resilience research and planning

Published 2021
In this peer reviewed article by Kris Stepenuck and others, 20 peer-reviewed articles were identified that focused on food-energy-water systems and coastal resilience. The researchers found that there are strong interdependencies in these systems. Applying this nexus approach to the study of coastal community resilience in the future can help stabilize critical infrastructure in coastal areas during acute hazards.

Final Report: A Project to Evaluate the Efficacy of a Woodchip Bioreactor for Denitrification of Tertiary Effluent From the Bolton Wastewater Treatment Plant (Lake George, Warren County, New York)

Published 2021
This 148-page final report by the Lake George Association, Lake George Waterkeeper, and Town of Bolton, New York describes the results of a monitoring program to determine the feasibility of using green infrastructure technology in the form of a woodchip bioreactor to remove nitrate-nitrogen from the Bolton wastewater treatment plant effluent which is discharged to ground water and then enters Lake George. This project was funded by the Lake Champlain Sea Grant and completed in December 2021.
