
Research Webinar: Tools to Balance Objectives for Restoration and Conservation of Floodplains

Published 2023
In this talk, we introduce decision-support tools for evaluating the multiple, and sometimes incompatible, objectives of different decision-makers for management of floodplains. These tools, developed with Sea Grant support, aim to balance stakeholder objectives and refine the rankings of restoration projects developed under Vermont’s Functioning Floodplain Initiative. Because phosphorus attenuation is a critical objective amongst most stakeholders to meet clean water goals for Lake Champlain, research on the capacity of connected floodplains to capture flood-borne phosphorus is also described. These tools were designed to support a systems-based management approach that best meets multiple stakeholder objectives to promote consensus decision making and cost-effective implementation of nature-based solutions.

Residential Stormwater Management in Vermont Storymap

Published 2023
This storymap explains what residential stormwater management is, why it's important, and how to get involved in the Lake Champlain basin. It also outlines our residential stormwater certification program, BLUE BTV.

What is Aquaponics?

Published 2023
This two-page brochure describes how to set up an aquaponics system to grow fish and plants for food.

Abenaki Perspectives on Water

Published 2022
Lake Champlain Sea Grant and the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation hosted this Abenaki Water Perspectives panel discussion with speakers Chief Don Stevens, Melody Mackin and Rich Holschuh. View both a full recorded version (1 hour and 25 minutes) and a short version that features the highlights (4 minutes).

Aquaculture in Vermont: Finn and Roots farm

Published 2022
We teamed up with Peregrine Productions to create this video about an aquaponics farm in Vermont. Finn and Roots is housed in a 6,000 square foot greenhouse which raises fish and grows vegetables year round.
