Faculty | Parks, Recreation and Tourism | The University of Vermont(title)

Parks, Recreation, and Tourism faculty are experts and researchers in social and cultural aspects of outdoor recreation and parks, environmental interpretation and sense of place, tourism development in rural and resource-dependent communities, and more.

Program Director

Kimberly (Kim) Coleman

Director, Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Program • Associate Professor


Instructional programs: Parks, Recreation, and Tourism
Research: Human dimensions of natural resources; Outdoor recreation and tourism; Planning and management of public land; Environmental justice; Environmental education.

Additional Faculty

Patricia Stokowski



Instructional programs: Parks, Recreation and Tourism; Natural Resources
Research: Outdoor recreation behavior, parks, community tourism development, sense of place

Jon Erickson

Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education • David Blittersdorf Professor of Sustainability Science & Policy • Gund Institute for Environment Fellow


Instructional programs: Environmental Studies; Natural Resources; Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Research: Ecological economics, sustainable development, systems modeling

David Kaufman

Senior Lecturer


Instructional program: Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Expertise: Teaching and advising students in a university setting; tourism, hospitality, and recreation industries

David Kestenbaum



Instructional program: Natural Resources; Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Research: Sustainable development, community-based conservation, integrated conservation development, sustainable transportation, sustainable tourism