Environmental Sciences

  • Student holds a paper chart while on the water in a kayak filled with water sampling supplies.

    Dive into Environmental Sciences.

    Learn to identify, analyze and respond to complex environmental challenges with inspiring faculty and Vermont's natural landscape as your laboratory.

Environmental Sciences at the University of Vermont is a natural science-based program for students driven to help solve the environmental issues of our time. The UVM campus, surrounded by the Green Mountains, Lake Champlain, agricultural lands, and vibrant communities, provides an ideal setting for students interested in studying the environment. Environmental sciences courses, from introductory through advanced, emphasize hands-on experiences in these natural laboratories. Faculty expertise and experiential learning opportunities outside the classroom create a successful pathway to an environmental sciences career. 

Discover more about Environmental Sciences | Find more majors in the Rubenstein School

Hands-on Learning

Three students work with plants and tanks in greenhouse.

Environmental Sciences students learn by doing in field and lab courses, research opportunities, and internships.

Learn more about experiential learning in the Rubenstein School >>

Research Opportunities

Student wearing purple gloves pours liquid in a lab.

Environmental Sciences faculty conduct research in Vermont, the region, nationally, and internationally. Students have the opportunity to engage in research projects with faculty.

Learn more about undergraduate research opportunities in Environmental Sciences >>

Learn more about research happening in the Rubenstein School >>

Careers and Graduate School

Researcher in orange life vest writes down observations on boat on lake near data buoy.

The Environmental Sciences degree provides an excellent preparation for a variety of professional positions and related careers, and the Program faculty help to prepare students for these positions and advise students interested in graduate school.

Learn more about career development >>

Learn more about graduate school opportunities in the Rubenstein School >>

Environmental Sciences | Environmental Sciences | The University of Vermont


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