Pre-Med Advising at UVM

The Health Professions advisor in the Career Center is here to help pre-health students navigate the path to their chosen career. Online resources, group drop-ins, presentations for student clubs, and one-on-one appointments support students seeking a range of careers in human health. Application-specific support for students and alums preparing to apply to medical or dental school is offered through our Health Professions Portfolio (HPP) process.

Pre-health students also have access to the many career building skills offered by the Career Center, including: major choice exploration with the Health Professions Interest Group Career Coach; assistance with resume and LinkedIn profile creation; networking with other students/alums through the Health Professions Interest Group on UVMConnect; job/internship-searching strategies. Students are encouraged to meet with Career Peer Leaders for help getting started with these resources during our Career Center Drop-In hours, Monday through Thursday. One afternoon each week, PreMed Pop-Ins are available for students with specific health professions career preparation questions.

Getting Started: As you begin your journey to medical school

Prioritize your academics:

  • Build strong science competencies in the classroom and laboratory
  • Explore non-science courses that expand your understanding of our complex world and about people, particularly those with lived experiences different from your own
  • Consider getting research experience in a field of interest

Participate in Student Clubs 

  • UVM sponsors a variety of career-related AND service-oriented student organizations
  • Consider volunteering for a leadership position

Get exposure to professionals working in healthcare through:

  • Networking 
  • Volunteering 
  • Shadowing 
  • Paid experiences

Build your competencies

  • Develop character-oriented Professional Core Competencies that define the exceptional healthcare provider: 

The AAMC’s Anatomy of an Applicant Self-Assessment Guide  

Take care of yourself

  • Balance your school and other responsibilities with activities that bring you joy
cara calvelli, pre-health advisor

Cara Calvelli, Pre-Health Advisor

Pre-Med Pop-Ins: Stop by with questions about your pre-health path: Thursdays 12:30 - 4 pm, Davis 204

Email Cara:
Hand doing lab work

Join the Health Professions Career Interest Group (HPIG)

Seeing what HPIG members are doing is a good way to learn about different options that exist. You will also connect with professionals in the field , tap into essential experiential learning opportunities, and expand your awareness of the many facets of the healthcare industry.

Join the Health Professions Interest Group (HPIG)