Planetary Health Seed Grant Program | Planetary Health | The University of Vermont(title)

The UVM Planetary Health Seed Grant Program (PHSGP) will support innovative, interdisciplinary planetary health
research leading to the submission of a substantial external funding proposal. One proposal of up to $100,000 will be
funded annually from FY25 – FY29 (5 proposals in total).

Eligibility and Requirements

  • Proposal development must be co-led by two faculty members (PI pairs), one with expertise in health and one
    with expertise in the environment
  • Proposals must include broad interdisciplinary faculty and staff teams, including members from at least three
    different units
  • Proposal teams must participate in a half-day Fall 2024 facilitated workshop aimed at enhancing the cross-
    disciplinary engagement and effectiveness necessary to develop successful proposals
  • Faculty and staff members may participate in only one proposal team
  • The PIs must secure a commitment for any necessary PHSGP administrative support from their unit before
    submitting a pre-proposal

More details available in the June 4, 2024 announcement call for jointly led proposals from the Office of the Provost and the Office of the Vice President for Research.