Whole Health for People and Planet

A Planetary Health Summit Hosted by the Osher Center for Integrative Health at The University of Vermont
October 16 - 17, 2024

Human well-being is inextricably linked with the health of the environment.  UVM has launched a University-Wide Planetary Health Initiative that explores these connections and inspires action so that both people and planet can thrive.

This “Whole Health for People and Planet” Summit is meant to offer a space for members of both the Osher Collaborative and the UVM community to come together to explore inspirational opportunities that can help overcome current challenges to human and planetary health. The Summit is based on the foundational principles of Whole Health (complete physical, mental, social, spiritual, community, and ecological well-being), Reciprocity (the idea that human and planetary health are inextricably linked), Relationships, and Hope.

Summit Objectives:

  1. To provide an opportunity to come together to discuss the connections between integrative health and planetary health.
  2. To identify shared goals, synergies, strengths, priorities, and pathways forward in collaborating on planetary health work:
    • Across the Osher Collaborative
    •  Across the UVM community.
  3. To showcase current planetary health-related work at UVM and within our Vermont communities.