Assessment Exemplars

Learning Outcomes Assessment is the central place to find information on student learning assessment, planning, and related activities conducted at the University of Vermont. It provides quick access to summary information, forms and SharePoint sites relating to the general education program and annual assessment reports for accredited and non-accredited degree programs. It also provides a range of resources for UVM faculty, staff and students that are involved in student learning assessments. Information relating to the Academic Program Review process s also available.


Our purpose behind these resources is to empower faculty, staff, and students to conduct student learning assessments and utilize those assessments to improve learning outcomes at the University of Vermont. The educational materials and training resources listed here describe the different aspects of student learning assessments.

Below are examples of noteworthy assessment reports and artifacts hosted on the Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes SharePoint site, and are intended for internal access only for UVM faculty and staff who are engaged in assessment. To gain access to this SharePoint site, email

A Note About Accessibility

The UVM Office of Institutional Research and Assessment is committed to ensuring that reported data are accessible. If the data presented are not accessible to you, please contact the UVM ADA/504 Coordinator. OIRA will work to get you all requested data in a timely fashion.