Social Media | Office of Medical Communications | The University of Vermont(title)

Get social with us! The Office of Medical Communications manages Larner's social media accounts, publish the student focused blog, and consult on social media strategies for College departments, centers, and programs.

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Send your photos, videos, event notices, and recently published articles and research to be featured on our feed and in our story to

five students arm in arm Two med student researchers Two med students at Match Day

Student Social Groups

Student Interest Group (SIG) & Student Leadership Group (SLG) social media accounts are overseen by the Larner College of Medicine Medical Student Council Chairs of Communications and Chairs of Student Leadership. Below you will find guidelines to help your group stay on point.

Student Social Guidelines


Larner Med Social Media Guidelines for SIGs and Student Leadership Groups (PDF) are meant to expand upon, not replace or override, the advice, rules, and regulations presented in the University of Vermont Social Media Guidelines (PDF) document.

The UVM Larner Med Social Media Guidelines for SIGs and SLGs is meant to provide details specific to the unique environment of the Larner College of Medicine and needs and requests of its medical students. It is important that you read through both guides prior to creating your social media account for a Larner College of Medicine Office of Medical Education sanctioned SLG, SIG, or other organization tied to the Larner College of Medicine.

UVM Larner College of Medicine medical students are responsible for adhering to the guidelines presented both within this document and within the University of Vermont Social Media Guidelines.

View and print the SIG/SLG Request to Create a New Social Account Form (PDF).