Frequently Asked Questions | Clinical and Translational Science | The University of Vermont(title)

What is clinical and translational science?

Clinical and translational science (CTS) is a broad field that focuses on connecting research across disciplines to improve the speed, efficiency, and impact of scientific advances. CTS focuses on human research and may include mechanisms of human disease, clinical trials, new technologies, epidemiology, behavioral research, or public health interventions.

What is the salary range for someone with a Master's in clinical research?

If you have a clinical research master’s, your salary range will depend on your work experience and educational background. For example, if you are a physician, you can expect higher pay. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for data scientists was $108,020 in May 2023. Data scientists typically need at least a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, statistics, computer science, or a related field to enter the occupation. However, some employers require or prefer that candidates have a master’s or doctoral degree.

What are the core course requirements of the CTS program?

All CTS programs are based on an 18-credit core curriculum that is 100% online (synchronous) and is designed to provide a strong foundation in research knowledge and skills. The core curriculum challenges students to think critically about the overall research process, scientific method, equity and ethics of research, informatics and data analysis, and scholarship.

Additional credits are taken in combination of electives and research credits (if applicable), and with the students interests in mind. The curriculum encourages students to apply their learning to their specific areas of scientific interest from across the clinical and translational science spectrum. 

Are courses offered online or in person?

CTS courses are offered online, and synchronous. It is possible to complete the Non-Concentration, Course-Based Master's degree or the Certificate of Graduate Study entirely online. Other CTS programs require in-person attendance to complete requirements, such as thesis or dissertation research.

How will I feel part of a community if CTS courses are online?

Feeling connected to other students and faculty as a CTS community is of paramount importance to us. All of our online courses are synchronous, to ensure you are able to connect and network with other students and faculty. We also encourage regular attendance at informal and formal community gatherings. These include:


Clinical Research Oriented Workshop (CROW) Thursdays 11am-noon EST (online) - This student-facilitated workshop serves as a weekly informal "support group" for CTS students. Students set the agenda, and topics typically include asking for research related review of works in progress such as articles or grant submissions, feedback on presentations for future seminars and conferences, or conducting a journal club on an interesting article. Faculty and others attend as they are able.

Clinical and Translational Science (CTS) Seminar Fridays noon-1pm EST (online) - CTS Seminar is an opportunity for formal presentations with advanced discussions and conversations among the CTS community. Seminar is a venue for students to improve public speaking, critical appraisal, and leadership skills. CTS Seminar also provides a valuable opportunity to network with peers and others across the University.

May I complete the program on a part-time basis?

Yes! Students have the flexibility to complete their program on a part-time or full-time basis.

What are the prerequisites to apply to the program?

The CTS program follows the application requirements of the UVM Graduate College. This includes the requirement to hold a U.S. Baccalaureate degree or an equivalent international degree and providing test scores for English proficiency for applicants whose native language is not English. A qualified applicant for CTS programs will have 4 semesters of college-level science in addition to 2 semesters of college-level mathematics or statistics.

What is the UVM Ph.D. Research Advisor requirement?

Applicants to the Ph.D. program must have a source of funding, a UVM Research Advisor, and an environment in which to conduct research as part of the application. The UVM Research Advisor must provide a letter of support as part of the application. Co-mentoring with faculty from other UVM programs is allowed and often desirable but must involve UVM CTS Faculty in all aspects of student research. This requirement is also applicable to CTS students in the M.S. program wishing to transfer to the Ph.D.

What is the application deadline?

CTS has rolling admissions for all three terms (Summer, Fall and Spring).  It does take time for the applications to be reviewed and offers to be processed, so it may be important to know when the start of the semester is. You can find this information on the UVM Academic Calendars website.

Are assistantships available?

The CTS program doesn't have any assistantships for students or additional financial aid options. Please visit UVM Student Financial Services for opportunities to fund your degree.

Am I eligible for Tuition Remission?
Are there resources or additional information for International applicants?