Get Involved | Prism Center | The University of Vermont(title)

Opportunities for all members of UVM's LGBTQA+ and allied communities to be together, build community and learn from one another. Learn about the many ways you can connect with community at UVM.



The Prism Center hires student workers through the Federal Work Study (FWS) program. If you have have work study as a portion of your financial aid package, you qualify to work with us! 

Students in these roles help keep the Center operating, lead drop-in programming, and table at events, among many other opportunities. All job openings are posted on JobX; for more information as to the UVM FWS process, visit the Student Employment Office.

Student organizations and clubs

There are three current LGBTQ+ student organizations at UVM. 

  • Queer Student Union (QSU) — follow for updates @uvm_qsu
  • Out in STEM (oSTEM) — follow for updates @ostem.vermont
  • Larner College of Medicine Gender-Sexuality Alliance (CoMGSA) — email to join their mailing list

Have another organization or club you wish to see listed? Email to get your QT organization or club posted here!

Your Program @ Prism

A new way for your ideas, voice, and leadership to be part of building a vibrant and thriving queer community at UVM: Your Program @ Prism. Whether you want to host a low-key movie night, reserve space at the Prism Center for a queer graduate student hangout, or plan something bigger, our team will help you work through the details, promote your program, and provide some resources, supplies, and funding. 

Requests must be submitted online and are accepted during the academic year. 


Our Instagram ( @prismuvm ) showcases upcoming events, celebrations, and programs in our spaces and the queer community at UVM. Remember to check your privacy settings on Instagram if you'd like to limit who can view which pages you follow on social media.

Our newsletter uplifts events and programs happening inside Prism and in the greater queer community in Burlington, as well as showcasing in-house resources and both local and national opportunities for queer and trans students. Sign up for our newsletter; we send them out bi-monthly!

Campus partners

Newsletter submission guidelines

The Prism Center welcomes you to submit items you’d like included in an upcoming issue, sent out during the academic year. Prism Center staff will decide if and when content will be shared based on many factors, including our own volume of content. We do not send out external and/or unvetted research opportunities or professional job opportunities. Internships are fine. 

Please follow the submission guidelines and timelines linked in our Newsletter Guidelines (PDF) and submit the necessary information to

Instagram guidelines

If you'd like the Prism Center to share an Instagram post or story of an upcoming opportunity that centers queer and trans joy, please tag us so we can share!

A vibrant UVM constituency marches in Burlington's Pride parade. An inclusive LGBTQ+ Pride flag is in focus among the sea of people.

Support Prism Today

Prism Center programs and resources support UVM's ongoing commitment to justice, equity, and inclusion. Help us grow this work and the community we serve by giving to Prism.

Give Today!