Student Protest

The University of Vermont functions within the rules governing a larger society. It was, like other higher education institutions, created for a special purpose: the facilitation of learning and teaching. It follows that the university's policies must conform to the law as well as take account of the particular role of educational institutions.

Listed below are links to university policies that guide our community regarding freedom of expression within the boundaries of lawful behavior and university policy

UVM Commitment to Freedom of Expression Policies

Campus Demonstrations

Personal Safety & Threat Assessment

Code of Student Conduct

Discrimination, Harassment, and
Sexual Misconduct

Posting and Solicitation

Temporary Structures

Events, Speakers, and Activities-
Facilities & Ground Use

Weapons & Explosives

Campus Speakers

 Political Engagement, Advocacy, and
Campaign Related Activities


Fundamental to our philosophy is our firm belief that rights guaranteed by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, including rights to freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, petition, and association must be protected on the campus as elsewhere, and that local, state, and federal laws must prevail on the campus.

--Policy Statement, The University of Vermont Campus Demonstration Policy (PDF)


The First Amendment
on Campus

The mission of the University of Vermont is “To create, evaluate, share, and apply knowledge and to prepare students to be accountable leaders who will bring to their work dedication to the global community, a grasp of complexity, effective problem-solving and communication skills, and an enduring commitment to learning and ethical conduct.”

Learn More (PDF) >>