Compliance Reporting

What can you do if you see, hear or otherwise witness wrongdoing?

Option 1: Check Policy


Visit UVM’s Institutional Policies (link below) and check to see if there are reporting options listed in the policy. If so, report the issue using the guidelines outlined. 

UVM Policies

Option 2: Report to a Supervisor


While you can always reach out to the Office of Compliance and Privacy Services at any time, you shouldn’t feel like you have to. If you are comfortable doing so, you can reach out to your manager or supervisor first. If they are unsure, they can contact our office.

Option 3: Compliance Services


At any time, you can make a report to the Office of Compliance and Privacy Services using any of the following methods:

  • Call us: (802) 656.3086
  • Come Visit Us: Stop by 12 Centennial Woods Way. Our offices are on the 2nd floor.
  • Email Us:
  • Write Us: Send regular or interoffice mail

Compliance Services
12 Centennial Woods Way
Burlington, VT 05405

Option 4: Help Line


The Ethics and Compliance Reporting and HelpLine is always an option. The HelpLine is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It is monitored by an outside company and accepts anonymous reports. To report via the HelpLine, use one of the following methods:

  • Call Toll-Free: 800-461-9330
  • Send a text message: (802) 441-6649
  • Report Online

Information Related to Anonymous Reporting Mechanisms

While identifying yourself helps us conduct a thorough and complete investigation, anonymous reports are accepted. We maintain strict confidentiality for all reports, though complete anonymity cannot be guaranteed. Along with an anonymous reporting option, some federal and state laws, as well as university policies, have whistleblower protections designed to encourage reporting.

You have two options to report anonymously: (1) Use the Ethics and Compliance Reporting and Help Line or (2) Send an anonymous letter. The HelpLine allows you to get updates and provide additional information through a secure system. Anonymous letters do not provide the ability to communicate with you so, while it is an option, it is less preferred.