What can you do if you see, hear or otherwise witness wrongdoing?
Many UVM policies list out specific reporting procedures. You should always refer to those reporting procedures to see if there is an existing process for the issue.
For example report to a manager or a supervisor.
Methods for Reporting Directly to the Office of Compliance Services
The Help Line is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It is monitored by an outside company and you have the option to report anonymously or to identify yourself.
The highest level of confidentiality under the law is maintained. Due to legal requirements, anonymity cannot be guaranteed.
If you report in good faith, you will be protected from retaliation under University policy and, depending on the issue, also under federal and/or state law.
Every report made will have some level of investigation.
We will provide feedback on all reports received under the mechanisms listed under Option III. Individuals are responsible for keeping the assigned KEY if using the Help Line system. This may be the only way that we can communicate with you.
If there are findings, there will be some level of corrective action appropriate for the specifics of the matter. Examples of corrective action include policy changes, disciplinary action, on-going monitoring, periodic auditing, and/or self-disclosure.
We prefer that reporters identify themselves. It makes it so much easier for us to do a thorough and complete investigation. We have an obligation to maintain the highest level of confidentiality while complying with laws and regulations. In some situations, the University may have legal obligations with regards to confidentiality. Therefore, it is important to understand that confidentiality will be maintained at the highest level available under the law; however, anonymity cannot be guaranteed. In addition to University policy, both federal and state law have whistleblower protections which afford reporters an additional level of protection.
While investigations are easier when we know who made the report, identifying yourself is not required under your compliance program. If you prefer to report anonymously, you basically have two choices: (1) Use the Ethics and Compliance Reporting and Help Line or (2) Send an anonymous letter.
As long as your anonymous report is made through the Help Line, we are able to ask you for more information and provide you with feedback, updates, etc. through a PIN # system. When you call or file a web report through the Help Line, you will be given a PIN#. Using that PIN#, you can check in periodically to see if there have been updates or to see if we need additional information for the investigation. You are able to respond right through the Help Line using this PIN# system to maintain your anonymity. If you report by sending us an anonymous letter there is no way for us to get additional information or to give you updates or feedback. The reporter may never know when the investigation is done or may never know what, if any, corrective action was taken. While we accept anonymous letters, for these reasons, it is the least preferred method.