Full-Time Faculty
Associate Professor of Counseling • Counseling Program Coordinator
anna.h.elliott@uvm.edu- Rural Mental Health
- Family Counseling
- Trauma Healing
- Clinical Supervision
- Relational Cultural Counseling
Associate Professor of Counseling • School Counseling Track Lead and CACREP Liaison
Robin.Hausheer@uvm.edu- Underage drinking prevention
- Parent/Guardian underage drinking prevention programming
- School counseling program evaluation
- Impact of implicit bias in counseling and education
Assistant Professor of Counseling
Aishwarya.Joshi@uvm.edu- Clinical Mental Health
- Intersectionality
- Multicultural, Social Justice and Equity Competencies
- Crisis and Trauma
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs • Professor of Counselor Education and Supervision
Jane.Okech@uvm.edu (802) 656-1481- Clinical supervision
- Diversity, access and equity
- Ethics
- Group co-leadership
- Group psychotherapy
- Mental health
- Multiculturalism
- Social justice
Associate Professor of Counseling
Lance.Smith@uvm.edu (802) 656-3898- Inclusive Excellence and Justice
- Critical Consciousness
- Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR)
- Restorative Practices
Assistant Professor of Counseling • Program Coordinator of PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision
nancy.thacker@uvm.edu- Culturally-informed grief theory and counseling, non-death losses
- LGBTQ+ mental health and development
- Inclusive excellence in education and counseling
- Qualitative research and critical methodologies
Senior Lecturer of Counseling • Field Placement Coordinator
Julie.Welkowitz@uvm.edu (802) 656-5655- Clinical and systems consultation
- Model development within schools to support youth with emotional and behavioral challenges
- Narrative practices clinical supervision systems change initiatives
Adjunct Faculty
Anne Geroski, EdD / Email: Anne.Geroski@uvm.edu
Fiona Griffin, LCMHC / Emaii: Fiona.Griffin@uvm.edu
Beth Goss, LCMHC / Email: BethG@howardcenter.org
Olivia Sanders, MS, LCMHC, AAP / Email: Olivia.Sanders@uvm.edu
Susanne Schmidt, LCMHC / Email: Susanne.Schmidt@uvm.edu
Staff Support
Aaron Sonam Friedensohn, Program Specialist
Email: cslgprog@uvm.edu