CREATE | College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences | The University of Vermont(title)

CREATE will focus on the most fundamental and important long-term societal problem — how to enable modern society sustainably.

CREATE draft logo concept - TEMP

CREATE is a newly established research center focused on advancing the next generation of energy and autonomous technologies. The center is driven by the rapid changes in today’s power and energy systems, spurred by the aggressive decarbonization and electrification policies in Vermont and beyond. Concurrently, the development of new software algorithms in autonomy holds the potential to greatly enhance the dynamic capabilities, performance, and efficiency of engineered systems. At the intersection of these two focus areas of the proposed center (Power/Energy and Autonomy/Controls), CREATE develops technologies that enable resilient and responsive power and energy systems, as well as data-driven feedback control solutions. CREATE seeks to scale the impact of our research efforts in these focus areas to advance human knowledge and solve critical problems facing our society today.

Our Mission

Advance human knowledge and solve critical problems facing our society today in the broad areas of energy systems and autonomy.

  • At their intersection, paradigm-shifting autonomous energy systems are designed, developed, optimized, and controlled to enable a sustainable energy future.

Scale the impact of research efforts in the broad areas of energy systems and autonomy to better serve people and the planet, including use-inspired research for Vermont’s industry & communities.

Center Goals

Goal 1: Foster a scholarly community


Foster a scholarly community for externally funded R&D in autonomy and energy systems (e.g., autonomous energy grids).

CEMS colleagues meet for a presentation

Goal 2: Collaborate with federal and industry partners


Collaborate with federal and industry partners on impactful use-inspired research and structured outreach/partnerships, including student internships and venues for sharing expertise and experiences.

Industry partnerships like our new collaboration with VELCO are key to the Center's goals

Goal 3: Hybrid Solar Test Center (HSTC) facility


Develop and maintain a hybrid solar test center (HSTC) facility at the McNeil power plant to field-test new approaches to autonomous energy system development, optimization, and control.

UVM President Suresh Garimella speaking at the dedication of the university's Solar Research and Training Facility at the McNeil Generating Station in Burlington, Vt.

Goal 4: Accelerated Testing Laboratory (ATL)


Develop and create an accelerated testing laboratory (ATL) on the UVM campus for validating and testing energy systems and autonomous technologies for hybrid energy systems (HES), such as solar PV panels, energy storage, inverters, and electrolyzers.

CEMS faculty adjusts equipment during semiconductor evaluation

Goal 5: Next-generation Energy Systems Simulation Testbed (NES2T) facility


Design and develop a Next-generation Energy Systems Simulation Testbed (NES2T) facility on the UVM campus to facilitate both research and education in energy system resilience, autonomy, cyber-security, and optimization.

NEST2 Simulation Lab graphic

Goal 6: Autonomous and Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory (AIR LAB) facility


Develop and maintain the Autonomous and Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory (AIR LAB) facility on the UVM campus to facilitate research and education in autonomy and control.

Autonomous drone

To Better Serve People and Planet

Graphic depicting CREATE at the intersection pf Engineering, Autonomy, and Environment

Modern society relies heavily on autonomous technologies and energy, and autonomous energy systems at their intersection. We use energy for heating/cooling our buildings and homes, for running our machines and electronics, and for transporting goods and people. Without energy, society as we know it would cease to exist. Yet, the use of fossil fuels for generating this energy during most of the period that modern society developed is unsustainable -- fossil fuels are a finite resource, and their combustion is creating massive climate change on a global scale. At the same time, autonomous technologies and control systems are transforming industries by increasing efficiency, reducing human error, improving safety, and enabling new capabilities that were previously unthinkable. In recent decades, engineered systems are becoming increasingly complex and so traditional methods for control and decision-making are no longer scalable. Motivated by the availability of vast amounts of data from these systems, our team will investigate data-driven and model-based control of complex systems, leveraging recently developed tools from system theory and machine learning. Finally, at the intersection of autonomy and energy, our group will carry out cutting-edge research in autonomous energy technologies, which will enable a sustainable energy future.


Who is CREATE?

Associate Professors Mads R. Almassalkhi and Hamid Ossareh are the Directors of CREATE and are joined by an interdisciplinary team from all the CEMS programs as well at The Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources.

Electrical and Biomedical Engineering

Mads Almassalkhi

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering

Power and Energy Systems, Control Systems, Mathematical Optimization, Renewable Energy Integration

Hamid Ossareh

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering

Systems and control theory, constrained and predictive control, applications of control theory to automotive and power systems

Amritanshu Pandey

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering

Electric Grid Simulation and Optimization, Grid Cybersecurity, and Power Grid Computations

Luis Duffaut Espinosa

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering

Control, Estimation, Robotics, Stochastic Systems and Signal Processing

Sam Chevalier

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering

Electrical Power Systems, Machine Learning, Network Optimization

Mechanical Engineering

Jeffrey Marshall

Professor • Department of Mechanical Engineering

Fluid mechanics and particulate flows, Renewable energy (wind energy, algae biofuels, solar panel dust mitigation), Complex systems, Vortex dynamics and vortex-structure interaction, Biofluid flows, Lagrangian and multiscale, computational methods, Thin-film flows

Laura Treers

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Robotic locomotion in complex terrains, physics of granular materials, robophysics, organismal biomechanics, collective behavior, field robotics, mechanism design

Jihong Ma

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Atomistic Simulations, Dynamics, Phononic Crystals, Topological States of Matter, Polymer Science, Nanoscale Heat Transfer

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Kathryn Hinkelman

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering • Principal Investigator, The SEE Lab

Energy sustainability and resiliency, Building and district energy systems, Bio-inspired design, Numerical modeling and simulation

Mathematics and Statistics

James Bagrow

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Network Science, Complex Systems, Data Science and Machine Learning, Computational Social Science, Mathematical Modeling


Matthew White

Associate Professor, Department of Physics

Hybrid and organic photovoltaic device physics.

Randall Headrick

Professor, Department of Physics • Department Chair

Experimental studies of condensed matter physics & Materials Science

Computer Science

Safwan Wshah

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science

Machine Learning, Image & Video Processing, Deep Learning, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Document Imaging & Digital Signal Processing.

The Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources

Bindu Panikkar

Associate Professor • The Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources

Environmental Studies, Natural Resources, Environmental health, Community based research, Environmental policy, Natural resources, Arctic environment and health, Environmental health social movements, Environmental justice

Jon Erickson

Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education • David Blittersdorf Professor of Sustainability Science & Policy

Instructional programs: Environmental Studies; Natural Resources; Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Research: Ecological economics, sustainable development, systems modeling



Check back often as we share more opportunities for engagement and impact.

Our plans include:

  • A CREATE Ph.D. Fellowship
  • A monthly CREATE Seminar Series
  • Create an Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) to develop and maintain structured partnerships
  • Support CREATE faculty's active outreach, research, and infrastructure



Executive Director Mads R. Almassalkhi

Co-Director Hamid Ossareh