The CATs on the Move programs have been featured in several news stories. Take a look at some of the articles below!

Service-Learning Showcase by 2024 Senior Superstars

2024 CELO Showcase - Photo by Andy Duback

University of Vermont's Community-Engaged Learning Opportunities (CELO):

Five of our 2024 senior superstars presented a poster about their involvement with the 'Fit Kids' service-learning courses during a CELO showcase event.

Pictured from left to right: Hanna Mildt, Bodhi Mills, Greta Vecsey, Maddie Gramling, Aaliya Aga
Photo taken by: Andy Duback

Students Implement Prof's Research-Based 'Fit Kids' Program

University of Vermont's University Communications:

Read "Students Implement Prof's Research-Based 'Fit Kids' Program" on the UVM communications website.

ADHD and Exercise: Studies show that even half an hour a day can help kids function better and feel better

Exercise Helps Children With ADHD in Study

The Wall Street Jounral:

Read "Exercise Helps Children With ADHD in Study" on the Wall Street Journal website.

New Study Suggests Exercise Can Help Kids with ADHD

Good Morning America:

Watch "New Study Suggests Exercise Can Help Kids with ADHD" on the Good Morning America website. 

Exercise Before School May Reduce ADHD Symptoms in Kids

Michigan State University (MSU) Today:

Read "Exercise Before School May Reduce ADHD Symptoms in Kids" on the Michigan State University (MSU) Today website. 

A child's ADHD symptoms may be reduced by exercise before school

Medical News Today:

Read "A child's ADHD symptoms may be reduced by exercise before school" on the Medical News Today website. 

Exercise May Be The Most Effective ADHD Medicine

Business Insider:

Read "Exercise May Be The Most Effective ADHD Medicine" on the Business Insider website. 

Research Finding: Morning Exercise Beneficial to Students

University of Vermont's University Communications:

Read "Research Finding: Morning Exercise Beneficial to Students" on the University of Vermont's University Communications website.