About Us

B.A. and B.S. Options


The economics department at UVM offers a Bachelor of Arts (B.A. Economics) and a Bachelor of Science in (B.S. Economics: Quantitative). The best degree for you depends upon your abilities, interests and goals. 

The B.S. track carries the STEM designation.  This distinction makes more visible the two distinct pathways to an economics education at UVM: a liberal arts-oriented one that requires a minor (B.A.) and a quantitative track that requires econometrics and a capstone advanced quantitative course (B.S.).

If using an analytical approach to explain social phenomena is attractive to you, then the B.A. is probably the choice for you. If you gravitate to rigorous courses in mathematics and science, it is possible that the B.S. in economics with its more pronounced quantitative emphasis may be the best fit. 

B.A. B.S. with Major in Economics

Roadmap for Success


Our curricular approach and close personal attention provide students with a framework of success from the first semester to senior year. First-year students build skills and experience through introductory seminars including one in the Liberal Arts Scholars Program Program and several in the First Year Program. Senior seminars, with an average of 18 students, include a research project that serves as the capstone of your undergraduate economics education—and a way of demonstrating to graduate schools and employers your grasp of economic theory and practice.

3+2 Adds Up to Tuition Savings and a Law Degree


UVM-VLS 3+2 is a unique dual-degree program providing high-achieving students with an opportunity to earn a bachelor's degree and a Juris Doctor (JD) degree in a total of five years. After completing three years of undergraduate study at UVM, participants can matriculate at Vermont Law School where they complete two years of approved coursework for their JD degree. Admission to the program occurs at the end of a student’s first year at UVM.


Additional information

General Program Requirements


The Department of Economics updates the following information once per year. For the most up-to-date information, check the College of Arts and Sciences.

Credit Hours

A total of 120 hours are required for graduation. Students must take at least 96 Arts & Sciences credit hours. The only exception is for students who have an approved cross-college minor. They must take at least 84 Arts & Sciences credit hours.

Major Credit Hours for B.A. Students

No more than 45 hours of credit in major field may be used toward completion of the 120 hours of credit required for graduation.


All students must have a major, minor, and cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 in order to graduate.

Pass/No Pass

Degree program students, not on academic trial, are permitted to take up to six courses (or as many courses as they have semesters remaining for future transfer students) on a pass/no pass basis, beginning in their sophomore year. Courses in the student's major department, either for the major or for the degree, and electives within the distribution requirements of a department may not be taken on a pass/no pass basis. This option may be used without condition for free electives. It also may be used for physical education (activity) courses, whether taken to fulfill a requirement or as electives, and shall not be counted as a part of the six standard courses described above.


After students have completed 77 credit hours, they are required to take a least 30 more credit hours at UVM. However, there are no limit on the number of credit hours transferable as long as the restriction is met. For a student graduating with a minimum 122 credit hours required, at least 30 of their last 45 credit hours must be at UVM. At least 1/2 of the credit hours used toward the major and minor requirements must be taken at UVM.

If you have questions about any of these policies, please contact the Dean's Office at 656-3344.


  • The Dean's Office suggests that students officially declare their major and minor by the end of the sophomore year. To declare a major in economics, begin with the registrar's office. Chose Forms. Choose Declare or Change Your Major/Minor/Concentration/College. Choose Arts and Sciences.
  • Transfer credit will be approved by Transfer Affairs, but will not always be assigned an exact equivalency (i.e., Anth 0XXX; BIO 2XXX). If a student would like to have such credit apply toward a major or minor requirement, the Dean's Office must receive written approval from the appropriate department. In some departments, an exact equivalency is not necessary but rather a category or subfield distinction is acceptable.
  • Students who have been placed on academic probation must enroll in all courses for a letter grade. Other conditions include: enrollment in at least 12 credits and earning a semester GPA of at least 2.0 in order to continue at UVM.
  • A student who is on academic probation cannot study abroad.
  • All students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 in order to receive permission from the Dean's Office to study abroad.
  • Only eight (8) Military Studies (MSTD and/or ASTU) hours may be applied toward degree requirements, and these are considered non-Arts & Sciences credits.
  • If a student is on academic probation and decides to not return to UVM the subsequent semester, upon readmission they will be on academic probation.
  • Senior "check sheets" are generated for every Arts & Sciences student once 87 credits or more are achieved.

Student Affairs Staff

Dean's Office Student Affairs phone number is 656-3344. Call if you have any questions. Students are seen primarily on a walk-in basis. the office is located in 438 College Street. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily.