The following criteria are used to evaluate internship scholarship applications:
Goal Oriented
- There is a clear link between this internship and the student’s goals related to job specific skills, application of academics, and transferrable skill growth.
- The activities at this internship would allow the student to test out the field, gain skills and experience that could generate growth related to their goals, and establish important networks.
"Stands to Gain"
- The student would benefit greatly from this experience.
- It is a unique opportunity and/or a step up from work that they have previously accomplished. The student has not previously worked at this organization (unless their responsibilities are significantly different and more substantial than work done previously).
Financial Need
- Funds from this scholarship would have a significant impact on this student.
- There is clear need for financial assistance.
- If not awarded funds, the student may have undue hardship when taking on this internship.
Internship Quality
- The internship will be a significant, challenging, meaningful experience that will fill a real need for both the student and the organization. It is not solely clerical or busy work.
- The internship will have supervision and feedback from an experienced mentor
- The internship expectations are reasonable for a college student’s level of knowledge, ability, and maturity.
Unique Perspective/Diverse Range of Awardees
- The pool of student awardees represents the diversity of identities and experiences across UVM. This may include (but is not limited to) major, class year, hometown/home country, age, race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, religion, or other life experience.