Areas of Expertise

Have a research question, but don't know where to start?
Need a third party to evaluate your program?
Applying for a grant and need some data?
Ready to conduct primary research like a survey or focus groups?

We can help.

The Center for Rural Studies at the University of Vermont is a nonprofit, fee-for-service research and resource center that works across sectors with governments, organizations, businesses, researchers and communities to address their social, economic, and resource-based challenges. A part of the University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences since 1978, CRS supports the research and teaching missions of the university through its work in Applied Research, Program Evaluation and Community Data and Indicators.

Applied Research


Survey Research

CRS is a leader in scientific surveying and polling in Vermont. We collaborate with clients to design survey instruments, develop sampling frames, conduct analyses and produce reports to meet their needs. CRS regularly employs mail, phone, and online surveys for our clients.

CRS also conducts the annual Vermonter Poll, a state-wide telephone survey, in which questions can be sponsored by those with fewer questions than a full, standalone survey.

Interviews and Focus Groups

Often the depth of knowledge sought by our clients goes beyond what is readily collected utilizing survey research methods.  CRS is experienced in developing and conducting interviews and focus groups online and in person with populations of interest and those that may be underrepresented or hard to reach.  

Program Evaluation


CRS staff work closely with clients to understand their evaluation needs and develop evaluation plans and tools to meet these unique needs. 

Evaluation plans, instruments and measures are grounded in relevant literature and theory within each subject-area to ensure high quality work that meets the client's needs and informs the larger research and knowledge base. CRS provides process and outcome focused evaluation services.

Process Evaluation examines the process or implementation of a project to inform "best practices" for ongoing program improvement, mid-course corrections and lessons learned for project replicability.

Outcome Evaluation seeks to demonstrate the impact of the program on the service-user, such as clients, participants, students, etc.

CRS utilizes qualitative and quantitative measures to carry out evaluations including surveys, focus groups, interviews, observations, archival and record reviews, and data management.

Community Data and Indicators


Data-driven decision-making, results-based accountability, community planning and program evaluation are a few reasons why access to community-level indicators data is essential.  CRS is experienced in accessing, developing and curating primary and secondary community indicator data sets to track progress and enable informed decision-making.