

Fortino Acosta


Climate resilient and biodiverse cities, interdisciplinary ecological landscape design, green infrastructure planning and design, integrated stormwater management, circular economy consultancy, strategic landscape planning, and wildlife conservation.


Samantha Alger

Research Assistant Professor

Pollinator Ecology, Habitat Restoration and Conservation, Public Outreach, Data Collection and Analysis


Colin Anderson

Co-Director, Institute for Agroecology • Associate Research Professor, ALE (Agroecology, Landscape, and Environment)

Agroecology Transformations, Governance of Food Systems, Knowledge Mobilization, Participation and Power, Transformative Action Research, Learning and Pedagogy, Use of Media and Narratives for Transformative Change, People’s Knowledge


Eric Bishop von Wettberg

Chair of the Department of Animal and Veterinary Science • Director of VT Agricultural Experiment Station

Genetics, Genomics, Domestication, Crop Breeding, Evolution, Ecology, Legumes, Germplasm, Conservation


Terence Bradshaw

Chair of the Department of Agriculture, Landscape, and Environment • Director of the UVM Horticulture Research and Education Center

Tree Fruit & Viticulture, Horticulture, Integrated Pest Management


Hao Chen

Assistant Professor

Soil Chemistry


Yolanda Fanslow Chen


Insect Ecology, Population Genetics, Agroecology, Evolutionary Biology, Insect-plant Interactions, Agroecology, Evolution, Epigenetics, Ecological Pest Management.


Heather Darby

Gund Fellow • Professor, UVM Extension

Soil quality and nutrient management; water quality; participatory research; grain production; organic farming; forages; hops; hemp; oilseed crops; milkweed; biofuel production.


Cheryl Frank Sullivan

Research Assistant Professor

Entomology, Integrated Pest Management, Biological Control, High Tunnel and Greenhouse Pest Management, Vector Ecology and Management (Ticks)


Carlos Andres Gallegos-Riofrío

Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Agroecology

Agroecology, indigenous people, rural studies, public health nutrition, social marketing, applied participatory research


Josef Görres

Professor • Ecological Soil Management

Soil Physics; Soil Ecology; Invasive Earthworms.


Stephanie E. Hurley

Associate Dean - Faculty and Curricular Affairs • Associate Professor - Ecological Landscape Design

Landscape Design & Planning; Ecological Design; Green Stormwater Infrastructure; Land Use and Watershed Management; Urban Ecology; Landscape Visualization


Vic Izzo

Head of Undergraduate Education, Institute for Agroecology • Co-Director, UVM Environmental Studies Program

Evolutionary Ecology, Entomology, Sustainable Pest Management, Agroecology, Conservation Ecology


Scott C. Merrill

Research Associate Professor • Managing Director, Social-Ecological Gaming & Simulation (SEGS) Lab UVM

Systems ecology, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), social-ecological systems, Landscape ecology, serious games, experimental gaming, animal biosecurity, climate change, population modeling, Monte Carlo simulations, and spatiotemporal modeling.


Margaret Skinner

Research Professor • Extension Entomologist

Biological Control; Integrated Pest Management; Saffron; High Tunnel Vegetable Cultivation; Greenhouse IPM.


Mark Starrett

Associate Professor

Horticulture, Plant Propagation, Woody Ornamentals


Annie S. White


Ecological Landscape Design, Agroecological Design, Native Plants, Pollinator Habitat, Undergraduate Education, Inclusive Teaching Methods, Web-based Learning


Affiliated Faculty

Juan Alvez

Extension Research Associate

Joshua Faulkner

Research Associate Professor • Director, Agricultural and Environmental Testing Lab

Ann Hazelrigg

Extension Associate Professor

Debra "Deb" Heleba

Statewide Outreach & Education Program Manager, Extension Community Horticulture Programs