Diversity Recruiting Plan | Grossman School of Business | The University of Vermont(title)

In order to develop a diverse recruiting pool, the Grossman School of Business will cast as wide a net as possible to attract qualified candidates.

Recruiting: Tenure-Track Faculty


Efforts to attract qualified tenure-track faculty will include the following:

  • A minimum of one print advertisement in an outlet such as The Chronicle of Higher Education
  • Registration for job placement activities at the appropriate conference or conferences
  • Registration for job placement on the AACSB website database
  • Registration with the Ph.D. Project
  • Attendance at appropriate conferences by recruiting committee and other appropriate faculty members
  • Letters sent to AACSB Doctoral degree granting institutions
  • Solicitation of referrals from current and/or past faculty members
  • Posting on the University of Vermont website
  • Require diversity training of faculty search committee members

Recruiting: Non-Tenure-Track Faculty

  • Efforts to attract visiting faculty and full-time lecturers may include a national search using the activities outlined under the tenure-track heading. A local search may include advertisements in the local press, local company contacts, Grossman School of Business Board of Advisor contacts, and faculty contacts.
  • Part time lecturers. Periodically, either due to sabbatical leaves of full-time tenure track faculty or to cover topics not generally covered by full-time faculty, we need to hire part-time faculty to deliver one or two courses. These individuals are usually recruited 1) with the help of UVM's Continuing Education program; 2) as a result of their submitting proposals for such courses or; 3) because of professional relationships they have established with our faculty. Most part-time lecturer recruiting would be handled using a local search. A file of potential candidates will be kept in the Grossman School of Business Dean's office. In addition, personal contacts of current, past, and emeriti faculty as well as company contacts will be solicited.

Recruiting: Classified Staff

  • Efforts to attract all classified staff may include posting on the UVM website, advertisements in local media, personal contacts of current and former staff members, faculty and other community contacts. Selected local organizations representing diverse groups will also be solicited.
  • For professional staff positions, in addition to the ones listed above, efforts may include advertisements in regional metropolitan area media, advertisements in the Chronicle of Higher Education or similar publications, and advertisements in specialized job search publications. In addition, search committee members and/or other staff members may attend appropriate conferences at which formal recruiting activities are conducted.

Diversity Recruitment Strategies Leading to Recruiting a Diverse Workforce


Recruiting for qualified tenure-track business school faculty members is highly competitive. The accrediting body for schools of business (AACSB) has been so concerned about the numbers of qualified minority Ph.D. graduates that they established the Ph.D. Project to assist with the education of minority Ph.D. candidates and to focus attention by conducting minority conferences and maintaining a database of job postings. While the Grossman School of Business at UVM has supported the Ph.D. Project for many years we can only hope our efforts have increased the number of diverse applicants.

Average Annual Hiring Activity by Category


While hiring varies significantly from year to year, averages for the various categories have been approximately:

  • Tenure-Track Faculty- 1.5/year
  • Full-Time Lecturer - 1/year
  • Part-Time Lecturer - 2/year
  • Classified Staff - 1/year



The goal of the Grossman School of Business is to make every effort to cast as wide a net as possible to recruit in all categories and to hire the best qualified person for every open position.

June 2, 2010