Co-op | Grossman School of Business | The University of Vermont(title)

Slated to launch Fall 2025, the UVM Grossman School of Business is developing a Co-op Program, enhancing student opportunities to gain meaningful work experience integrated into their undergraduate academic curriculum.

Cooperative Education at Grossman School

The UVM Grossman School of Business is pleased to announce receipt of a $15-million gift to launch a Co-op program thanks to the Grossman Family Foundation. The target launch for the Grossman School of Business Co-op program is Fall 2025. The Co-op program will add to the portfolio of available student opportunities to deepen real-world experiences working in partner organizations gaining problem solving and communication skills to apply classroom knowledge and grow career experiences both during and after graduation. 

What is Cooperative (Co-op) Education?  

Co-op is an immersive full-time paid work experience integrated into undergraduate academic studies where students alternate between classroom education and full-time employment, all while gaining practical, hands-on experience in their field of study. Working full-time in partner organizations allows students to experience real-world business situations, gain critical problem solving and communication skills, and apply classroom knowledge and tools to real-world business applications. 

View press release announcing the gift for the Co-op.

Preparing for Co-op Launch

Employer Organizations 

We are excited to work with existing employer partners and establish new relationships as the Co-op program launches. Contact Stephanie Meunier, Cooperative Education Director, Grossman School of Business by email at to explore how your organization can get involved. 

Current Students 

The Co-op program at the UVM Grossman School of Business will launch Fall 2025. We are currently building the undergraduate business Co-op program, including determining student eligibility requirements and employer opportunities.  

Our Center for Student Success is a resource to discuss all academic and career programs currently available to support your degree completion and professional development plan.