Spin Populations in Semiconductors



There are two main ways to create net spin populations in semiconductors. One is called optical pumping. It uses light of one specified polarization (a type of spin of its own) to knock electrons of the right orientation (mostly all spin up for instance) to an energy level which allows them to be free to move in an electric field.The electrons moving in this context form an electrical current. Because the specifically polarized light interacts and frees mostly one kind of electron (spin up or spin down) the free electrons turn out to have a net spin population. Another method for creating spin populations involves running an electrical current through a ferromagnetic contact into a semiconductor, for example from an Iron (Fe) contact into Gallium Arsenide (GaAs). Because the free electrons in Fe are spin polarized it produces a current which is spin polarized. When the electrons leave the magnetic material, they remain aligned and this results in a net electron spin population in the semiconductor.

Electrons and Spin!
What is Spin?
Spin and Light!
Spin Precession!
Spin Transport!
Spin Populations!
Continue on to learn about Spin Transistors!

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