Go to the “Gene” data base, and search for “delta globin”. Follow this link to GenBank. Make sure that the accession number at the top of the GenBank record matches the accession number given in the “Gene” database record.


Copy this page and paste into a Microsoft Word document. Type the answers in bold after each question. When you have answered each of the questions, print the document and hand it in to your Instructor.





EXERCISE 1:   Genbank.                    NAME: __________________________________


1.     What is the GenBank Accession Number for this gene?

2.     What is the gi number of this record?

3.     What kind of sequence is this?

4.     How many bases are there in the sequence?

5.     Who are the authors of the 5th reference?

6.     What journal was the next to the last paper in the reference list published in?

7.     What is the abbreviation for the beta globin gene?

8.     What is the abbreviation for the delta globin gene?

9.     What type of hemoglobin incorporates delta globin chains?

10.  What genetic disease is associated with delta globin?

11.  What chromosome is this gene located on?

12.  Is the gene on the short or long arm of this chromosome?

13.  What is the first base of the coding sequence?

14.  What is the second base of the third codon?

15.  What is the 5th codon?

16.  What is the 6th amino acid?

17.  There are three stop codons. Which one occurs in the gene for delta globin?

18.  Where does the poly-A region begin?

19.  How many bases are present in this gene?

20.  How many bases are present in the coding sequence of this gene?

21.  How many amino acids are present in the coding sequence of this gene?

22.  The gene begins with base 1, but the CDS does not. EXPLAIN!