Organized by the Office of the Vice President for Human Resources, Diversity and Multicultural Affairs | Dudley H. Davis Center
Friday, March 22, 2019
9:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. 4th Floor Davis Center

Trumping the Race Card: Understanding Race and Racism

Key workshop components include: envisioning the ideal state; consider the socialization process; examine origins of race and social construction of racism; explore solution-based strategies to transform individuals, universities and respective institutions.

Participants gain an enhanced understanding of: interpersonal and institutional racism, oppression and privilege; impact of racism on campus and community; how attitudes towards racial and ethnic differences affect behavior; behavior modification to work effectively in diverse groups; ways to have challenging yet meaningful conversations about racism; how to be a pivoter; methods to transform policies, practices, procedures, and principles to support sustainable systemic change.

Speaker: Rodney Patterson

Host: Tiffanie Spencer

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