Organized by the Office of the Vice President for Human Resources, Diversity and Multicultural Affairs | Dudley H. Davis Center
Friday, March 22, 2019
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 4th Floor Davis Center

Transphobia on the Trail: A Community Conversation on Gender Discrimination in Vermont and at UVM

When Christine Hallquist hit the campaign trail, she faced discrimination and transphobic responses, where other candidates just had to worry about their political platform. She will discuss her experience as a transwoman running for governor in Vermont and share how transphobia impacted her. Then, the panel will discuss how transphobia manifests in our classroom and our campus community. Strategies for dealing with anti-trans bias, including prospective problem solving and resilience, will be discussed. The session will finish with a Q&A and time for conversation on these issues.

Panelists: Dr. A. Evan Eyler, Dr. Jason C. Garvey, Christine Hallquist, Benjamin C. Kennedy, and Jeane Robles

Facilitator: Christa Hagan-Howe

Host: Meryl St. John

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