Organized by the Office of the Vice President for Human Resources, Diversity and Multicultural Affairs | Dudley H. Davis Center
Friday, March 22, 2019
9:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. 4th Floor Davis Center

Is Vermont an “All-White Paradise”?

How do people in Vermont, particularly people of color, thrive in Vermont?

On September 29, 2018, Saturday Night Live (SNL) performed a sketch titled, “Neo-Confederate Meeting” in which the actors claimed that Vermont was an “all-white paradise” where few, if any, people of color lived. The sketch played on stereotypes of Vermont (e.g. agrarian economy, abundance of farmer’s markets, covered bridges) and garnered both praise and criticism for the way it portrayed the state. Some people of color, though, felt further marginalized by the sketch and some felt simply erased from the sketch’s portrayal of the state. In this panel, we’ll explore how people in Vermont, particularly people of color, thrive despite the states' demographics and cold winters.

Panelists: Fieh Chan, Tabitha Pohl-Moore, Kiah Morris, and Kesha Ram

Facilitator: Dr. Cynthia Reyes

Host: Dr. Brian Reed

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