Reading Journals (10%)

For EVERY item on the syllabus (every reading, internet site. or anything else), you will write a separate journal entry that engages a key point or aspect of the reading with a question, criticism, or analysis. Email them to me in pdf format before class on the days those readings are assigned.

You may want to say something about one of the author’s principle points or arguments, or perhaps discuss the author’s approach and/or methods. If there’s something you don’t understand, it’s good to say so, and speculate a little about it. Provide a short paragraph, less than ½ page, for each item on the syllabus, with each entry on a separate numbered page.

Please label the file name of the pdf with your own last name, something like this: streeter_semiotic_slide_show.pdf. Remember to put your name on the top and title each of your summaries with the author’s last name & title and put them on a separate page. A random selection of your entries will be assigned a quality grade.