Current Tower Society Members

 Hina Rattu (President)

Major: Neuroscience.

Fun fact: I’ve driven a harley davidson motorcycle.

Involvement at UVM: Personal Care Assistant; Undergraduate Research Assistant currently developing undergraduate thesis under the mentorship of Dr. Margaret Vizzard, PhD, Professor of Neurology regarding regulatory and functional role of VEGF receptor in bladder, spinal cord and DRG stress tissue; medical scribe; Former Risk Management & Safety Assistant, Former Orientation Leader; Women of Color Retreat; UVM Greenhouse; Honors College.

Post-Grad Plans: I plan to taste test the finest coffees this world has to offer in hopes to find “the one”, with the right balance of flavor and use in grad school.

  Meghan Letizia

Major: Social Work.

Fun Fact: My rainbow tie-dye high tops are one of a kind and my absolute pride and joy. Also I’m growing a pineapple.

Involvement at UVM: Office Manager of the Office of Fellowships, Opportunities, and Undergraduate Research; President of/athlete on the Club Field Hockey Team (former Secretary); Steps to End Domestic Violence Legal Intern; Honors College, Senior Thesis: “Cultivating an Ideal Mode of Practice for Social Workers to Connect Undocumented Latina Immigrants to Domestic Violence Resources”; Member of Iota Iota Iota (Women’s Honors Society); Member of Phi Alpha (Social Work Honors Society); Former SHECP Fellow/Intern at N Street Village and recipient of Honors College Career Development Award; Former Undergraduate Research Assistant to Dr. Felicia Kornbluh and recipient of Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship; Former Alternative Spring Break and Trek Trip Leader; Former Honors College Student Advisory Board Member.

Post Grad Plans: A few years to do some social work-y things and explore all that the world has to offer. Maybe get a cat. Then pursue an accelerated M.S.W./J.D. program to become a legal advocate for survivors of domestic violence.

  Mehanna Borostyan

Major: Political Science.

Fun Fact: My high school is where the opening scenes for Hannah Montana were filmed.

Involvement at UVM: Senior Career Peer Mentor at Career and Experience Hub; Thesis: Better Practices for Prosecuting Daesh Members in Iraq; Intern at Tetra Tech ARD; Student Legal Services intern; UVM nominee for Truman Fellowship; Honors College Nelson Scholarship recipient; Former Coordinator for Week of Welcome; Former University Program Board member; Former office assistant at the Career Center; Recipient of Fishman Internship Scholarship; former intern at Vermont Commission on Women; Planning team committee member for Dismantling Rape Culture Conference; Administrative Assistant Director for International Model United Nations Association; Political Science Departmental Honors; Study Abroad Spring 2018: IES International Affairs and Security Studies in Berlin.

Post-Grad Plans: I plan to attend Law School with a focus on International Human Rights after completing my undergraduate studies. I plan to work as a legal advocate for women in the Middle East.

  Madison Slater

Major: Linguistics

Fun Fact: I previously worked as a Volunteer Firefighter in Baldwinsville, NY in high school and in Shelburne and Charlotte, VT freshman through junior years at UVM.

Involvement at UVM:UVM ROTC, UVM Women’s Club Rugby, Intramural Soccer, Linguistics Club, Critical Care Transport EMT with UVM Medical Center’s HealthNet.

Post-Grad Plans:Upon graduation I will commission as an Active Duty Second Lieutenant in the US Army. I would like to be selected to serve in the Medical Services Corps within the Army and hope to also be selected to fly MEDEVAC helicopters.

 Olivia Harris

Major: Public Communication.

Fun Fact: I’ve had my name entered into the United States Congressional record, twice!

Involvement at UVM: Director of the Alternative Spring Break Program; Committee Member on UVM Program Board’s Comedy, Education and Speakers Committee; Treasurer for Volunteers in Action; Operations Assistant and Event Manager at the UVM Alumni House; Member of the Mortar Board Society; Teaching Assistant for Civic Engagement and Leadership Seminar; former Congressional Intern in the office of Senator Patrick Leahy; former Program Director of the Dewey House for Community Engagement; former Orientation Leader; former Trek Leader for UVM Service Trek.

Post Grad Plans: After graduation, I hope to further my involvement with campaign work by finding a position on a presidential campaign. In addition to that, I plan to explore new cities, spend time with my family and hit many beaches.

 Harper Simpson

Major: Environmental Studies.

Fun Fact: I took a year off between my sophomore and junior year! I farmed in the Panamanian jungle for 4 months and was a live-in nanny in Shelburne the second half.

Involvement at UVM: UVM Outing Club Trip Leader and Wilderness Instructor Leadership Development (WILD) Coordinator; Wilderness TREK Leader; Vermont Works for Women Intern (Spring-Summer 2018); Intervale Food Hub Operations Intern (Spring 2017); former “Advocat” Tour Guide (2015-2016); former Student Government Association Senator (2014-2016); UVM Women in Leadership Summit Event Co-Organizer (2015).

Post-Grad Plans: Ask me in 6 months and I probably still won’t know! Thinking about farming for a growing season to give myself a mental break…

 Gillian Tiley

Major: Geography and Political Science.

Fun Fact: I was named after The X-Files.

Involvement at UVM: Secretary and varsity debater for the Lawrence Debate Union; Instructor for SPEAK Inc. (a non-profit that provides debate and public speaking education to incarcerated women and youth); Instructor for the Boys and Girls Club after-school debate program; Former instructor at the World Schools Debate Academy in Slovenia; Thesis: Re-imagining Providence: The ‘Creative Capital’ Campaign and the Gentrification of Downcity; Research assistant for the Geography Department (researching refugee resettlement in small cities); Research assistant for the Speech Department (using GIS to analyze stadium geography in urban centers); Former GIS intern for the Engineering and Planning Services department at FM Global; Student presenter at the Association of American Geographers Annual Conference in April 2019; Study Abroad exchange at Sciences Po (Rennes, France); Gamma Theta Upsilon; Political Science Departmental Honors; Honors College.

Post-Grad Plans: I hope to pursue a graduate degree or fellowship program in urban planning and spatial analysis. I am specifically interested in community development and finding ways to incorporate youth voices into the planning processes. My ultimate goal is to help bridge the gap between planners and urban residents in order to create more equitable environments.

 Laurel Howe

Major: Community and International Development.

Fun Fact: My favorite thing is probably Special Olympics, which I have been involved with for over 9 years.

Involvement at UVM: UVM Adaptive Winter Sports Coordinator, Vermont Adaptive Ski Instructor, FeelGood Sustainability Officer, Special Olympics Young Athlete Co-Director,, LivingWell Mindfulness Outreach Team Member and Facilitator, Former Special Olympics Vermont Events Intern, Former Mansfield Hall Fellow.

Post-Grad Plans: I hope to contribute in someway to make the world a little better and more inclusive place. I want to take some time after graduation to learn more about the world through experience abroad. Then, I plan on going to graduate school for International Policy and Development.

 Blaise Cureg

Major: Psychological Science.

Fun Fact: I am an international student from the Philippines but before coming to UVM I lived in London for 3 years!

Involvement at UVM: Member of Kappa Alpha Theta; Rallython Committee for Campus and Alumni Relations; Student Advisor for the Asian Student Union; Former President of the Asian Student Union; former Service TREK leader; former planning team member of the UVM Program Board; former research assistant at the Vermont Center on Behavior and Health; facilitator at FSL's CLIMB Social Justice Retreat.

Post-Grad Plans: I plan to get a master’s degree in Public Health and work for an international organization to advance global health initiatives.

 Emilly LaFleur

Major: Anthropology, Global Health Focus.

Fun Fact: I would eat bread pudding for every meal if I could.

Involvement at UVM: Director of Operations for the UVM Program Board; Student Legal Services Intern; Student Operations Assistant and Event Manager at the UVM Alumni House; SASH Volunteer; UVM nominee for the Truman Fellowship; Mitchell Scholar; former Vice President of MEDVIDA; former Residential Advisor; former Maine Professional and Occupational Licensing Intern; former Fletcher Free Library Intern; former Teaching Assistant for Cultural Anthropology; former Week of Welcome staffer.

Post-Grad Plans: After graduating in May, I hope to move out west for a Teach for America program, and eventually attend law school or complete a graduate program in public policy.

 Emily Klofft

Major: Political Science.

Fun Fact: I’ve swam, ran, flown and driven across the equator!

Involvement at UVM: Youth mentor with the DREAM program; current Sergeant-at-Arms for Alpha Phi Omega (a national service fraternity); Thesis: Non-Profits as Creators of Public Policy in Public-Private Partnerships; UVM nominee for the Truman Fellowship; Phi Beta Kappa Bogorad Award recipient; former Simon Family Foundation Research Fellow at the Association of Africans Living in Vermont; former SHECP intern at Harlem Children’s Zone, former Pledge Educator for Alpha Phi Omega; Political Science Departmental Honors; Honors College.

Post-Grad Plans: Not sure yet, but hopefully something that benefits the community and helps me work towards my ultimate goal of working in public policy!