# This was written by Joshua Wiley, in the Psychology Department at UCLA. # Modified for one between and one within for King.dat by dch ### Howell Table 14.4 ### ## Repeated Measures ANOVA with 2 variables ## Read in data, convert to 'long' format, and factor() dat <- read.table("http://www.uvm.edu/~dhowell/methods8/DataFiles/Tab14-4.dat", header = TRUE) head(dat) dat$subject <- factor(1:24) datLong <- reshape(data = dat, varying = 2:7, v.names = "outcome", timevar = "time", idvar = "subject", ids = 1:24, direction = "long") datLong$Interval <- factor(rep(x = 1:6, each = 24), levels = 1:6, labels = 1:6) datLong$Group <- factor(datLong$Group, levels = 1:3, labels = c("Control", "Same", "Different")) str(datLong) attach(datLong) cat("Group Means","\n") cat(tapply(outcome, Group, mean),"\n") cat("\nInterval Means","\n") cat(tapply(outcome, Interval, mean),"\n") # Actual formula and calculation King.aov <- aov(outcome ~ (Group*Interval) + Error(subject/(Interval)), data = datLong) # Present the summary table (ANOVA source table) print(summary(King.aov)) interaction.plot(Interval, factor(Group), outcome, fun = mean, type="b", pch = c(2,4,6), legend = "F", col = c(3,4,6), ylab = "Mean of Outcome",) legend(4, 300, c("Same", "Different", "Control"), col = c(4,6,3), text.col = "green4", lty = c(2, 1, 3), pch = c(4, 6, 2), merge = TRUE, bg = 'gray90') #detach(datLong) ### End ### King <- aov(outcome ~ (Group*Interval) + Error(subject/(Interval)), data = datLong) Anova(mod = King) Anova(King)