Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 10:32:48 -0400 (EDT) From: Steve Cavrak To: Subject: WORKSHOP: Reaching Out and Zap Somebody (Well, that's not quite the name of the workshop -- but it always helps to have a snappy title to get people's attention!) This is the workshop I mentioned a few weeks back -- it's goal is to provide an opportunity for people for CESS folks in general and Expressionists in particular to begin building an electronic version of that room. [] Time: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 10:00 am 10:00 am - noon available [] Place: 113-T Waterman, the Macintosh Lab. Although we will use the Mac lab for production, all of what we do will be "platform independent." [] Agenda: Subject to variation depending on participant interests. This is meant to be a real workshop, hands on, get things done, learn what we have to, make progress, meet the needs of the participants. I'm trying to "plan" one hour, and then have two hours open for people who want to (or need to :) go further. Everything is negotiable. ------------------------------------------------------------- Day 1: Intro to the Web; Building a Home Page. Online Text is the Web66 Eight Minute HTML Primer from the University of Minesota College of Education. ------------------------------------------------------------- Day 2: Developing Web Content; Creating a Portfolio Bring a floppy disk with materials that you would like to put on your home page; suggested content include: - course descriptions - course syllabus - your bibliography, vitae, - abstracts of recent publications -------------------------------------------------------------- Day 3: Developing Web Content; Adding Multimedia to your Portfolio We'll begin with a QuickTake Camera, and then do a scanning session. -------------------------------------------------------------- Day 4: Developing Web Content; Locating and linking existing materials. How to find material and link to it. What to do when you don't find anything ! (Which means that you own the whole field! How to stake your claim!) Technical Requirements: If u cn rply to ths msg ... :) Basically, e-mail skills are all that are required. The multimedia part may be disorienting, but that's true for even people who've been doing it for years: multimedia is definitely multidimensional -- that's what makes it so much fun. Questions and answers: Just post to this list.