filename locus chromosomes count_sum dataset popname ethnicity region country geo popnotes latit longit completeness resolution method citation author year title journal volume pages email redundancy country_lab lab_pi ua_ethnic_code ethnic_code freq_code typing_comments admixture admixture_ethnicities haplotyped? genotyped? controls? disease analyses_theirs analyses_others analyses_ours mack_comments initials DRB1_Cretan_1999.pop DRB1 270 270 lit Cretan_1999 Caucasian 03-EUR Crete, individuals were from all over the island 3 unrelated individuals born in Crete whose grandparents were also born in Crete 37.80N 22.72E 1 0.989 PCR-SSOP {AIG+99} Arnaiz_Villena 1999 The origin of Cretan populations as determined by characterization of HLA alleles Tissue Antigens 53 213-226 GR Arnaiz-Villena 11 1 reversed dot blot, Automated Innolipa System N Y Y N HW, LD, phylogenetic tree, significance for 2x2 comparisons, relative LD (Imanishi T, Akaza T, Kimura A, Tokunaga K, Gojorobi T, in HLA 1991) YT DRB1 count 0101 18 0102 4 0104 1 03011 20 0401 2 0402 14 0403 9 0404 3 0405 5 0701 31 08 3 1001 10 1101 31 1102 1 1103 6 1104 27 1201 2 12021 5 1301 9 1302 10 1303 3 1305 1 1401 12 1501 10 1502 12 1601 21