filename locus chromosomes count_sum dataset popname ethnicity region country geo popnotes latit longit completeness resolution method citation author year title journal volume pages email redundancy n fam source initials DQB1_SpainGranada.pop DQB1 560 562 mid SpainGranada Caucasoid 03-EUR SPAIN 3 .. 37N 7W 1.004 1 SSP Oliver J,Martin J, Lopez-Nevot MA, 1995 Rheumatoid arthritis in southern Spain: toward elucidation of a unifying roleof the HLA class II region in disease predisposition.Arthr itis Rheum. 2001 Feb;44(2):307-14. 280 Not Known BLOOD DONOR DM DQB1 count 0201 77 0202 99 0301 99 0302 55 0303 8 0402 22 0501 90 0502 6 0503 20 0602 53 0603 29 0609 4