filename locus chromosomes count_sum dataset popname ethnicity region country geo popnotes latit longit completeness resolution method citation author year title journal volume pages email redundancy country_lab lab_pi ua_ethnic_code ethnic_code freq_code typing_comments admixture admixture_ethnicities haplotyped? genotyped? controls? disease analyses_theirs analyses_others analyses_ours mack_comments initials DQA1_Romanian_1992.pop DQA1 152 152 lit Romanian_1992 Caucasian 03-EUR United States 3 unrelated native Christian Romanians, emigrated to the United States after 1948, 61% from Munthenia, 9% from Moldavia, 16.4% from Transylvania, 13.6% from Banat 046.50N 025.00E 1 1 PCR-SSOP {RHL+92} Reed 1992 Polymorphism of HLA in the Romanian population Tissue Antigens 39 8-13 US Reed 1301196 11 1 primers from 11th IHW N Y N N HW YT DQA1 count 0101 29 0102 35 0103 8 0201 14 03 14 0401 2 0501 50