filename locus chromosomes count_sum dataset popname ethnicity region country geo popnotes latit longit completeness resolution method citation author year title journal volume pages email redundancy country_lab lab_pi ua_ethnic_code ethnic_code freq_code typing_comments admixture admixture_ethnicities haplotyped? genotyped? controls? disease analyses_theirs analyses_others analyses_ours mack_comments initials DPB1_Yucpa_2001.pop DPB1 146 146 lit Yucpa_2001 Amerindian 10-SAM limits between Colombia and Venezuela 1 full-blooded individuals from Aroy, Marewa, and Peraya villages 4.00N 72.00W 1 1 PCR-SSOP {LGD+01} Layrisse 2001 Extended HLA Haplotypes in a Carib Amerindian Population: The Yucpa of the Perija Range Tissue Antigens 62 992-1000 CO Layrisse 1301263 53 1 12th IHW N Y N N LD 12th? - No, 12VENLAY-Yukpa.pop contains only DRB1, DQA1, DQB1 YT DPB1 count 0402 115 1401 31