filename locus chromosomes count_sum dataset popname ethnicity region country geo popnotes latit longit completeness resolution method citation author year title journal volume pages email redundancy country_lab lab_pi ua_ethnic_code ethnic_code freq_code typing_comments admixture admixture_ethnicities haplotyped? genotyped? controls? disease analyses_theirs analyses_others analyses_ours mack_comments initials B_Mongolian_2007.pop B 204 204 lit Mongolian_2007 Asian 08-NEA China 2 very compact communities of Mongolian subjects living in Inner Mongolia Hui subjects inhabiting the Hualong and Minhe counties in Qinghai Province of Northern China 47.43N 94.48E 1 1 Hong 2007 HLA class I Polymorphism in Mongolian and Hui Ethnic Groups from Northern China Human Immunology 68 439-448 ODS B count 5801 18 400201/4056 14 40G1 12 51G1 12 070201 11 4801/4809 10 150101G1 9 35G1 8 3701 8 520101 8 1302 7 5401 7 400601G1 5 1301 4 3503 4 440301 4 4601 4 5001 4 510201 4 570101 4 1502 3 15170101/1517102 3 1518 3 2704 3 3502 3 380201 3 44G1 3 1505 2 1509 2 151101 2 1525 2 0705/0706 1 0801/0819N 1 1527 1 1546 1 180101/1817N 1 3801 1 3901G1 1 4101 1 4406 1 4802 1 4901 1 510102 1 520102 1 5501 1 5502 1 5507 1 5606 1 5901 1