filename locus chromosomes count_sum dataset popname ethnicity region country geo popnotes latit longit completeness resolution method citation author year title journal volume pages email redundancy n fam source initials B_IndiaMumbaiMarathas.pop B 182 180 mid IndiaMumbaiMarathas Indo-European 04-SWA INDIA 3 Marathas are the marathi speaking caste group of central India, Mah arastra. They were hindu warriors who rose to power in 17th century. The y were led by Sivaji, they resisted the Muguls under Aurengzeb. 19N 76E 0.989 1 SSOP Dr.U.Shankarkumar 1997 Inter.J.Human Genetics 1(3):173-7 2001.http://www.krepublishers .com 91 Grandparents live at same location ANTHROPOLOGY STUDY DM B count 0702 9 0705 16 0804 3 1302 8 1502 3 1518 7 1801 3 2704 5 2708 2 3503 10 3520 7 3701 2 3802 2 4006 33 4406 19 4407 8 510101 12 520101 10 5301 3 5401 1 5605 3 5801 13 7803 1