filename locus chromosomes count_sum dataset popname ethnicity region country geo popnotes latit longit completeness resolution method citation author year title journal volume pages email redundancy n fam source initials B_FranceSouthEast.pop B 260 251 mid FranceSouthEast Caucasoid 03-EUR FRANCE 3 some of the typings have been verified in 2000, 2001 or 2002 46N 5E 0.965 1 SSP Dubois ValerieGebuhrer Lucette 1996 not published 130 Parents live at same location ANTHROPOLOGY STUDY DM B count 0702 19 0705 1 0801 23 1301 5 1401 3 1402 9 1501 14 1503 1 1508 1 1517 2 1518 2 1801 11 1803 1 2705 6 270502 1 3501 12 3503 5 3508 3 3701 8 3801 5 3901 5 3924 1 4001 6 4002 8 4006 1 4101 4 4202 1 4402 21 440301 11 440302 1 4404 1 4405 1 4501 4 4701 1 4901 7 5001 3 5101 15 5201 3 5301 4 5501 8 5701 9 5801 4