filename locus chromosomes count_sum dataset popname ethnicity region country geo popnotes latit longit completeness resolution method citation author year title journal volume pages email redundancy country_lab lab_pi ua_ethnic_code ethnic_code freq_code typing_comments admixture admixture_ethnicities haplotyped? genotyped? controls? disease analyses_theirs analyses_others analyses_ours mack_comments initials B_Akan_2001.pop B 88 88 lit Akan_2001 African 01-SSA Villiage of Adiopodoume 2 44 unrelated indeviduals living in the village od Adiopodoume, in the ivory coast. The Study participants belong to the Akan, an Agni subgroup. 7.50N 7.0E 1 1 SBT {EHC+01} Ellis 2001 HLA-B allele frequencies in Cote d'lvoire defined by direct DNA sequencing: identification of HLA-B*1405,B*4410, and B*5302 Tissue Antigens 57 339-343 CI Hurley 1301192 22 1 primers listed in paper N N N N JGG B count 07021 4 0705/0706 5 0801 2 1402 2 1405 1 1503 7 1510 5 1516 4 1518 1 1801 2 2703 1 3501 5 4201 3 44031 3 4410 1 4501 8 51011 2 52012 3 5301 20 5302 1 5703 4 5801 2 7801 2