3.3. Multi-locus analyses

Haplotype frequencies are estimated using the iterative Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm (Dempster et al. 1977; Excoffier & Slatkin 1995). Multiple starting conditions are used to minimize the possibility of local maxima being reached by the EM iterations. The haplotype frequencies reported are those that correspond to the highest logarithm of the sample likelihood found over the different starting conditions and are labeled as the maximum likelihood estimates (MLE).

The output provides the names of loci for which haplotype frequencies were estimated, the number of individual genotypes in the dataset (before-filtering), the number of genotypes that have data for all loci for which haplotype estimation will be performed (after-filtering), the number of unique phenotypes (unphased genotypes), the number of unique phased genotypes, the total number of possible haplotypes that are compatible with the genotypic data (many of these will have an estimated frequency of zero), and the log-likelihood of the observed genotypes under the assumption of linkage equilibrium.

3.3.1. All pairwise LD

A series of linkage disequilibrium (LD) measures are provided for each pair of loci.

Example 3.9. Sample output of all pairwise LD

II. Multi-locus Analyses

Haplotype/ linkage disequlibrium (LD) statistics

Pairwise LD estimates
Locus pair        D'        Wn   ln(L_1)   ln(L_0)         S # permu p-value  
A:C          0.49229   0.39472   -289.09   -326.81     75.44    1000 0.8510   
A:B          0.50895   0.40145   -293.47   -330.83     74.73    1000 0.8730   
A:DRB1       0.44304   0.37671   -282.00   -309.16     54.32    1000 0.7540   
A:DQA1       0.29361   0.34239   -257.94   -269.88     23.88    1000 0.9020   
A:DQB1       0.39266   0.37495   -275.58   -297.61     44.07    1000 0.8140   
A:DPA1       0.31210   0.37987   -203.89   -206.99      6.21    1000 0.8840   
A:DPB1       0.42241   0.40404   -237.84   -262.05     48.42    1000 0.5930   
C:B          0.88739   0.85752   -210.36   -342.68    264.63    1000 0.0000***
C:DRB1       0.48046   0.47513   -280.34   -317.65     74.62    1000 0.2140   
C:DQA1       0.42257   0.49869   -250.36   -276.72     52.73    1000 0.0370*  
C:DQB1       0.45793   0.49879   -269.54   -305.27     71.46    1000 0.0580   
C:DPA1       0.37214   0.46870   -208.99   -215.36     12.74    1000 0.7450   
C:DPB1       0.46436   0.36984   -242.45   -268.45     52.01    1000 0.6290   
B:DRB1       0.50255   0.41712   -286.79   -320.50     67.42    1000 0.4140   
B:DQA1       0.41441   0.42844   -259.86   -279.56     39.40    1000 0.3880   
B:DQB1       0.49040   0.43654   -277.29   -308.12     61.65    1000 0.2870   
B:DPA1       0.29272   0.38831   -213.43   -218.01      9.14    1000 0.8780   
B:DPB1       0.46082   0.38001   -247.83   -272.77     49.86    1000 0.7320   
DRB1:DQA1    0.91847   0.91468   -164.06   -254.54    180.96    1000 0.0000***
DRB1:DQB1    1.00000   1.00000   -147.73   -283.09    270.72    1000 0.0000***


We report two measures of overall linkage disequilibrium. D' (Hedrick, 1987) weights the contribution to LD of specific allele pairs by the product of their allele frequencies; Wn (Cramer, 1946) is a re-expression of the chi-square statistic for deviations between observed and expected haplotype frequencies. Both measures are normalized to lie between zero and one.


Overall LD, summing contributions (D'ij = Dij / Dmax) of all the haplotypes in a multi-allelic two-locus system, can be measured using Hedrick's D' statistic, using the products of allele frequencies at the loci, pi and qj, as weights.

Equation 3.0. 


Also known as Cramer's V Statistic (Cramer, 1946), Wn, is a second overall measure of LD between two loci. It is a re-expression of the Chi-square statistic, XLD2, normalized to be between zero and one.

Equation 3.0. 

When there are only two alleles per locus, Wn is equivalent to the correlation coefficient between the two loci, defined as .

For each locus pair the log-likelihood of obtaining the observed data given the inferred haplotype frequencies [ln(L_1)], and the likelihood of the data under the null hypothesis of linkage equilibrium [ln(L_0)] are given. The statistic S is defined as twice the difference between these likelihoods. S has an asymptotic chi-square distribution, but the null distribution of S is better approximated using a randomization procedure. The empirical distribution of S is generated by shuffling genotypes among individuals, separately for each locus, thus creating linkage equilibrium (# permu indicates how many permutations were carried out). The p-value is the fraction of permutations that results in values of S greater or equal to that observed. A p-value < 0.05 is indicative of overall significant LD.

Individual LD coefficients, Dij, are stored in the XML output file, but are not printed in the default text output. They can be accessed in the summary text files created by the popmeta script (see Section 2.1.3, “What happens when you run PyPop?”).

3.3.2. Haplotype frequency estimation

Example 3.10. Sample output of haplotype estimation parameters

Haplotype frequency est. for loci: A:B:DRB1
Number of individuals: 47 (before-filtering)
Number of individuals: 45 (after-filtering)
Unique phenotypes: 45
Unique genotypes: 113
Number of haplotypes: 188
Loglikelihood under linkage equilibrium [ln(L_0)]: -472.700542
Loglikelihood obtained via the EM algorithm [ln(L_1)]: -340.676530
Number of iterations before convergence: 67

The estimated haplotype frequencies are sorted alphanumerically by haplotype name (left side), or in decreasing frequency (right side). Only haplotypes estimated at a frequency of 0.00001 or larger are reported. The first column gives the allele names in each of the three loci, the second column provides the maximum likelihood estimate for their frequencies, (frequency), and the third column gives the corresponding approximate number of haplotypes (# copies).

Example 3.11. Sample output of estimated haplotype frequencies

Haplotypes sorted by name             | Haplotypes sorted by frequency     
haplotype         frequency # copies  | haplotype         frequency # copies  
0101:1301:0402:   0.02222   2.0       | 0201:1401:0402:   0.03335   3.0       
0101:1301:1101:   0.01111   1.0       | 3204:1401:0802:   0.03333   3.0       
0101:1401:0901:   0.01111   1.0       | 0301:1401:0407:   0.03333   3.0       
0101:1520:0802:   0.01111   1.0       | 0301:1301:0402:   0.03333   3.0       
0101:1801:0407:   0.01111   1.0       | 0201:1401:1101:   0.03332   3.0       
0101:3902:0404:   0.01111   1.0       | 0301:1520:0802:   0.02222   2.0       
0101:3902:1602:   0.01111   1.0       | 0101:4005:0802:   0.02222   2.0       
0101:4005:0802:   0.02222   2.0       | 0301:3902:0402:   0.02222   2.0       
0101:8101:0802:   0.01111   1.0       | 0201:1301:1602:   0.02222   2.0       
0101:8101:1602:   0.01111   1.0       | 0218:1401:0404:   0.02222   2.0       
0201:1301:1602:   0.02222   2.0       | 0210:5101:1602:   0.02222   2.0       
0201:1401:0402:   0.03335   3.0       | 0218:1401:1602:   0.02222   2.0       
0201:1401:0404:   0.01111   1.0       | 0101:1301:0402:   0.02222   2.0       
0201:1401:0407:   0.02222   2.0       | 2501:4005:0802:   0.02222   2.0       
0201:1401:0802:   0.01111   1.0       | 2501:1301:0802:   0.02222   2.0       
