ITTF Minutes
Nov. 20, 1997

Present: Martha Cafferky, Mark Fitzsimmons, Dave Howell, Roger Lawson Lauck Parke, Joe Patlak, Geetha Ramanathan, Deborah Schenk.

Minutes: Mark Fitzsimmons

I. Provost's Council Response

Roger reported on the luke warm reception given the draft report by the Provost Council at its last meeting. The responses, as summarized by Rebecca, and digested by the committee, suggested the following areas of work on the report:

1. Expansion of the report's treatment of the University's web presence.
2. Clarification of budget authority of the CLIO position.
3. Review of the overall University IT strategy as articulated in the draft, with an eye to sharpening and clarifying the strategic elements of the report, and addressing the issue of balance between centralization and decentralization.
4. Overall re-examination of the report to insure that it is responsive to the charge by Ray Lavigne.

II. Open Forum
The open forum was refocused from a presentation type of format to a round table or multiple small group discussion format, depending on the size of the turn out. It was suggested that key IT managers and policy implementors from around the campus be specifically invited to attend.

III. Faculty Senate
There was a short discussion about the linkages to the Faculty Senate, both through the Technology Committee and to the entire Senate. No decisions were made regarding specific review of the report by the Senate.

IV. Next Steps
Sub-groups working on budget, campus video, linkages with FAHC, off-campus networking, administrative systems, etc. need to start and/or continue writing. A long discussion ensued about integrating the needs and perspectives of the Medical School into the report as well as into the University's overall IT direction, recognizing in Joe's words that the College serves as the nexus between the University and FAHC and that it is the place to concentrate efforts on interoperability in research, administrative and instructional areas.

Finally, the need to create implementation plans was highlighted.

Mark A. Fitzsimmons
Director, UVM Distance Learning Network