Suggestions for lab write-ups

Lab write-ups consist of a single page of text (typed, single spaced, in 12 pt font) and as many supplemental pages of figures/calculations as necessary to support the text. Start the text with an introduction (a few sentences in length), and then incorporate answers to all questions presented in the lab handout. Since space is limited, favor insightful discussion of the data over detailed repetition of methods. Please proofread! (Humor is appreciated but by no means required.)

Figures should be numbered sequentially, should be referenced in the text, and should include captions. The best figure captions explain the significance of the figure and allow the figure to stand alone. (Handwritten captions are fine.) Some kinds of figures might include:

Calculations should also be attached on a supplemental sheet; they should be neat enough for someone else (i.e., me) to follow. Again, show what units are involved.

Labs are due at the beginning of lab one week after the lab is assigned. I will grade and return labs within a week of their due date.

NEW! Notes on paper usage:

I'm in favor of minimizing paper use, so there's no need to include a title page with your write-ups. Feel free to utilize both sides of the paper when compiling components of your report. Also, I don't mind receiving reports that have been printed on paper from a one-sided paper bin.