
Andromeda Galaxy - M 31

Blue Horsehead Nebula - IC 4592

Dark Horse Nebula

Elephant's Trunk Nebula - IC 1396A

Great Orion Nebula - M 42

Heart and Fish Head Nebulae - IC 1805 - IC 1795

Horsehead - Flame Nebulae - IC 434 - NGC 2024

Mars, Venus and the Moon over Charlotte Beach

Milky Way over Lake Iroquois

Milky Way over the Great Barn at Shelburne Farms

Waxing crescent Moon

Moon on a cloudy night

Orion over Longnook Beach, Truro, Mass

Pleiades - M 45

Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex

Rosette Nebula - Harp Cluster - NGC 2237, NGC2246

Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipse with 22-degree ice halo

Soul Nebula - IC 1848

Witch Head Nebula - NGC 1909

Latest revision 19 July 2024

Michael Sargent