Stuff to try with Greg
6 4 5p 1 | 5 1 5p 1 Shouldn't this be doable?
6 4p 5p 1 | 5p 1 5p 1 And this as well?
7 ball Mills Mess a la 4p 3
5p31 vs. 4p41 and J1 inserts 44p1
3p3p44 | 23p3p2 This is the easiest version
3p3p44 | 13p3p3 This is a step up
3p3p44 | 53p3p3 This is another step up
3p3p44 | 63p3p2 Easier than the last one?
3p3p44 | 63p3p6 Clearly way too hard
6 4p 5p 1 | 5p 1 And, of course, J2 can then do fancier stuff
6p 1 5 | 3p 3 3 (J2 starts with 3 3 3) And, of course, J2 can then do (3 3) 4p 4 1 or (3) 5p 3 1
6p 1 5p | 3p 3p 3 (J2 starts with 3 3 3) And, of course, J2 can then do (3 3) 4p 4p 1
6/2/14 with Greg
(4xp, 4x) (4, 4) Not bad.
(4xp, 4x) (4x, 4xp) Not bad, though not quite as good as last one.
^4 (5p, 4x)(5p, 4x) (5p, 1x 3) (5p, 3)|(5p, 4x)(5p, 4x)(5p, 1x 3)(5p, 3)"> Conversion from (4xp, 4x) to (5p, 3) We both got this. And we got going back. But we didn't do both in one run.
^4 (5p, 4x)(5p, 4x)(1x 4xp, 4x)(4xp, 4x) | (5p, 4x)(5p, 4x)(1x 4xp, 4x)(4xp, 4x)"> Conversion from (5p, 3) to (4xp, 4p) We both got this. And we got going back. But we didn't do both in one run.
Sideways 53444 tennis We got this over and back, but not really farther.
5/23/14 with Greg
Sideways 534 We got maybe each person getting 6x2 passes.
5/15/14 with Greg
6p 1 | 1 6p We sorta got it going, though it was more collision prone than I anticipated
4 | 3 but inserting a 4p 4 | 3 3p to exchange It wasn't easy, again because catching 3p's isn't when juggling 4's. A bit easier making the two passing hands almost sync
(5p, 5p) | (3p, 3p) Not too bad!
5p | 3p Not too bad again! It seems, though, that anything like 5p 3p | 3p 5p would be hard since you're catching 5's AND 3's
1/8/13 with Greg
7p13p1 | 5p1 Way too hard. With 3s at any passing height, how can you get 7s high enough (and accurate)? We weren't able (with Greg doing the 7131) to catch even the second 3p.
3p 3p 3 Mills Mess Okay, but no long runs (we tried different throws being the two passes).
3p Mills Mess Okay, but no long runs (we tried different throws being the two passes).
4.5p 3 3 Mills Mess We didn't do so well, but Greg thinks with some practice it is maybe doable.
(4xp,4xp) Sometimes we had one juggle a bit higher. It wasn't too bad (got 30+ catches).
10/12/12 with Greg
(4x, 4xp), inserting a (4p, 4) We both did this without a whole lot of difficulty.
7 ball ultimates We did this without much difficulty.
<4p 4p 3 3 | 3p 3p 1 3> We did this after some flailing (mostly due to not starting passing with the correct hands)
<4p 4p 3 3 | 3p 3p 4 4> I don't think we really got this. (don't remember)
7/23 with Greg
(4x, 4xp), inserting a (6p, 4xp) Greg tried this. We were close but didn't get it. I think we should make the 4's much lower.
5p551 | 5p1 Greg had this solid, I had it okay for a while.
5p551 | 5p55p1 We did okay for slight bit. Eventually, I wasn't able to do 5p55p1 at all.
5p 3 1 with a 4 4p 1 inserted Only I tried this. At the end I felt I could insert whenever I wanted on the left.
3p 3 3 Mills Mess We did okay, but no long runs.
3p 3p 3p 3 3 3 Mills Mess Again, we did okay, but no long runs.
3p 3 Mills Mess Again, not bad.
3/9 with Greg
(4,4)(4xp,4xp) Not horrible. Make one juggler a bit earlier and throwing higher than the other?
9 balls Not great, not horrible.
3p and (3p,3p) and then transitions bewteen them and then crossing throws Basic patterns got fairly easy. Transitions were not usually successful. Greg threw crosses.
3/5 with Greg
6-ball w/ 6 insertion Took a while, but then it wasn't too hard
6-ball w/ 44 insertions We need more practice to get these cleaner
3p344 We need more practice on the previous stuff before we try this much more
53p13p vs. 33p33p (or 15p15p) We were somewhat getting the hang of it, but it wasn't pretty and our runs weren't long
1/10 with Greg
6-ball shower w/ hi-lo insertion
7-ball, 2-count
7-ball, 2-count, with LL insertion
7-ball, 2-count, with LL, then high RL insertion
7-ball ultimates
8-ball sync I wasn't doing so well at these (even worse at the 9-ball we tried).
5/17/19 with Greg
We started with 7b ultimates. Then went to 3p3|(4x,4xp). Eventually we got where Greg would continue with (4x,4xp) while I would go from 3p3 to 3p 3 3p 4p 5p 1 5p 1 5p 1 and then back with 5p 1 5p 3 2 3 3p 3 3p (or something like that -- the math isn't adding up as I've written it). Our best was me going from 3p 3 to 5p 1 and back twice in succession. We had limited success with me doing (4x, 4xp) since I found it difficult to do this when I'm catching 3p's rather than 4p's.