Amateur Astronomy Links

Astronomy Forecast

Weather Underground: Essex Junction

Weather Underground: Hinesburg

Astronomer's Forecast: Colchester, VT

Astronomer's Forecast: GMO

Astrospheric's Forecast: GMO

Clear Outside: Essex Junction

Clear Outside: Hinesburg

CalSky: Essex Junction

CalSky: GMO Essex Junction GMO

Cloud cover forecast by Intellicast

Forecast by Accuweather

Select from a wide variety of forecasts

Astronomy Magazines


Sky and Telescope

Astronomy Now

Other On-Line News & Info


EarthSky -- Space

EarthSky -- Astronomy Essentials

NASA Science News

Used Equipment

Cloudy Nights Classifieds


Hands On Optics used equipment

OPT Telescopes

Astro Parts Outlet

Telescope Warehouse



Astronomy Forum (maybe now defunct??)

The Sky Searchers (fairly new)

Cloudy Nights

Planetarium Viewing and Images

Palomar Observatory Sky Survey

Simbad Query by Coordinates

Stellarium Info and Download

Telescopius (used to be Deep Sky Objects Browser)

Virtual Moon Atlas Info

Star Charts

Monthly Sky Maps

Single Map of all Messier Objects

Messier Finder Charts

Other Messier Maps

Caldwell Finder Charts

R.A.S.C "Finest NGC Objects" Star Charts

Deep Sky Surfing Atlas

The 'Triatlas'

Ephemerides (precise locations for solar system bodies)

JPL Horizons


Mars Maps

National Geographic's 1973 Map of Mars

National Geographic's 2016 Map of Mars (click it to zoom)

Sky & Telescope's Mars Profiler

Ralph Aeschliman's Map of Mars with 9 globular views

Download and Info Page for JUPOS

Labeled image to use with JUPOS

Download and Info Page for Virtual Planets Atlas (under Configuration/Texture/Historical download Hubble 2007)

Another Mars Globe with Albedo Map (use albedo_map_mgs_tes for Base Map)

The Moon

Lunar Map with Phase and Libration

Other Resources

Guide to Backyard Astronomy

Backyard Astronomy Basics

Beginner's Guide to Astronomy

Astronomer's Guide to the Night Sky for 2019

Astropixels site with all sorts of astronomy-related info

The Constellations

Heavens-Above: Tracking Satellites, Planets, etc.

The Sky Live

Tonight's Sky

The Webb Deep Sky Society

Steve Gottlieb's NGC/IC Observations Database Files

NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database

Frankfurt Quasar Monitoring (Quasar data)

EVAC Quasars Observing Program

Herschel 400 Information

Amateur Telescope Optics

American Association of Variable Star Observers

Recent Milky Way Novae

Latest Supernovae

Asteroid Occultation Info

More accurate maps to accompany above site

Comet Chasing

Weekly Information about Bright Comets