Sight Accessibility

If a person has a difference in the way they see things, they may need to manipulate the computer's output by changing screen settings or using software which magnifies the screen.

Let's take a look at a few different ways someone with a vision loss might change their screens in order to make them more accessible...

Follow these simple instructions to see your computer like you may have never seen it before:

What was it like to see the different screens in high contrast? Was it helpful or not helpful and why?

Take a minute and use some of the settings to customize the way your screen looks - there are options of color and contrast and large versus extra large. Try some of all of these options. Can you imagine using your computer all day with these color schemes? Some folks without differences in their vision choose to use these contrasts because they use a computer so much it's easier on their eyes!

Now let's explore another way that people can access a different view of their computer screen.

Follow these simple instructions to see your computer like you may have never seen it before:

What was it like to see things on a larger scale? How did you feel about the orientation of the magnifier, were you able to get the "bigger picture?"

Next we will explore the same kinds of technology but with a software program specifically made for contrast and magnification. It has additional features as well which will launch us into another part of our discussion on vision related accessibility.
