Bibliographic Materials/Resources

Resources on Captioning
Captioning Software Available Online
Computer Technology Can Empower Students with Learning Disabilities
Designing More Usable Web Sites
Paint Shop Pro 30 Day Demo Download
Disability Graphics
JAWS download
ZoomText download
Web Accessibility Initiative
WebAim, Web Accessibility in Mind, How To Site
Center for Applied Special Technology - Bobby
Optimizing Adobe PDF Files for Accessibility
Applying the ADA to the Internet: A Web Accessibility Standard
HTML Goodies

*** The above site, Webmonkey, has numerous articles and resources regarding accessibility. Type in "accessibility" in their search feature***

Please feel free to visit this site again. I hope to update it continuously. If you'd like to contact me regarding this class and/or anything having to do with accessibility, please email me

It was great having you in class! Good luck making your page(s) more accessible!

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This page was last updated on Tuesday, October 21, 2003