Hearing Accessibility

(NOTE: RealPlayer is needed to participate in this page)

Think about what you encounter on some of the websites you visit...

What information is being missed by someone who is Deaf?

In visiting the MSNBC website recently, I discovered a wonderful link of theirs that has a lot of streaming video capabilities. Let's go there now:

MSNBC Video Headlines

What do you notice about this website's accessibility in regard to Deafness?

Now let's look at the following link [from a sample site on WebAIM]:

Web AIM video

Did you notice any differences between these sites?

It is quite possible to make your videos/sound clips accessible. There are many resources available and different techniques to use in order for people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing to access sound on your page.

Resources will be given at the end of class regarding how to make your page accessible to persons with hearing loss.

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